Unhappy with current doctors


New member
Hello new to site and having issues. I have been seeing urologist for TRT for one year now. He stated me on 1ml Test Cyp every other week. After a many weeks I complained I would feel better the first week then go down hill. He told me to split the does in half and do weekly. This did not seem to help my symptoms at all. After six months did blood work (test, red blood count and psa) the lab did not process the Test so dr did not get my Test levels and he was fine with that (red flag #1). I told him I'm not feeling any better than I was before and he reluctantly let me go up from .5ml to .7ml weely. Six months later not really feeling any better do blood work this time the lab actually gives us the Test levels and it's 194. Dr says well if you had your blood drawn closed to time for your next dose it will drop like that (red flag #2) he went on to say he sees no reason to make any changes to my dose (red flag #3) and continues with saying that the dose I'm on is a large dose (red flag #4).
I make an appointment with my general practitioner with the intention of getting a referral to an Endo. I find out during appointment that my gp actually does TRT and he suggest we check my estro levels which they did. But my gp also seems to think that .7ml a week is a significant size dose? Someone from his office calls me and tells me my labs came back and everything was normal and that's it, no the dr thinks this or that. So now I guess I need to call the dr and ask for that referral to an Endo.
Yes, shorter periods with smaller amounts are the better route!
0.7ml/week (around 200mg) sounds good!
Have an eye on the E2 level! Could be to high and should be to lower eventually. ;)
So .7ml per week should give positive results? I do not know the actual E2 number but was told that it was normal.
I actually came here to seek information from others with experience as a patient not to find a TRT clinic, I can do a quick google search if that's what I'm looking for.
Hello and welcome - my .02 on your experience is that it's not dissimilar from TONS of guys that come on here and seek advice. It's VERY rare (on these boards anyway) someone has a doc / endo / urologist - that "gets" TRT. I've been on (200mg/week which keeps me at high end of normal) for almost 2 years and thanks to this board and my TRT clinic, my levels are stable (aka dialed in) and I feel awesome. The problem when the DR office tells you "normal" is that the range is ridiculously vast - testosterone for example is like 350-1100 - anyone on here can tell you the difference between the two is night and day. It's also worth noting that there's a sweet spot for E2 and i can say from experience you'll feel it when you're there and know when you're off either high or low.

.7ML providing your on test cyp or enth and it's dosed at 200 mg/ml should yield ~140mg/week which most guys would say is good for a Dr ofc. IMT's suggestion is simply that if you're not getting the help you need from the DR you have the option of leveraging true experts in TRT - literally that's all they do and they have a fantastic reputation.

Lots of good reads on the stickies and no shortage of similar experiences on this board. So you can google away, fight your army of docs, switch DR's, or find a clinic - all which have their + and -. Just know you're not alone in your problems and wish you the best of luck! Great resources for questions on here.
I actually came here to seek information from others with experience as a patient not to find a TRT clinic, I can do a quick google search if that's what I'm looking for.

We are just trying to help, we have many happy clients, we don't need to spam anything.

These guys around here know their stuff.
I actually came here to seek information from others with experience as a patient not to find a TRT clinic, I can do a quick google search if that's what I'm looking for.

IMT will not lead you astray, knows their stuff inside and out and is at the top of their game, stand on me & listen to their advice bro.
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