Unnecessary Prohormone Concerns?


New member
What's goin on guys, I've never posted to a forum like this before, so please be patient with me. Once you read the first few sentences I know exactly what most of you will be thinking, but just bare with me please. I'm interested in doing one cycle of prohormones. I'm 20 years old. Yes, I am too young to do this. No, I have not made all of the natural gains that I can, I have not been overly dedicated to my training/diet until just recently, because I'm trying to break my poor diet/stagnant routine induced plateau. I KNOW that I should not be even thinking about using prohormones, I have no business doing so. I REALIZE that it is stupid of me to do so, I'm aware of the potential consequences and I'm aware that I have much more work to do in terms of pushing myself naturally to first build a solid base and to solidify my lifting/eating habits. Due to some recent events in my life, I, for the lack of a better way to say it, don't really give a **** about much anymore.

With that being said, I would appreciate it if you guys could refrain from commenting about how I'm just another stupid kid that doesn't know what he's doing, is trying to take a shortcut, and is going to end up hurting himself. While this may be true, I am aware, so there is no point in saying so.

As meaningless as this is to say, I am smart a smart kid, I have always been a very cautious person, especially when it comes to my body. I'm not going to go blindly into this. I have been researching for a long time, finding out exactly what I need to do and exactly what might happen and how to deal with it. Again, while I absolutely should not be considering prohormones, I'm old enough to make my own decisions and frankly, I will do what I want to regardless of what anyone says. I have many friends who have used prohormones multiple times, they have seen great results with minimal side effects. Perhaps the lack of side effects is from proper use, or perhaps they just got lucky, who knows.

***** Basically what I'm getting at is, with proper dosage, proper pct, proper excercise, and proper diet, REALISTICALLY (without just trying to scare me into not doing it), how much of a chance is there for some serious, long lasting side effects? I realize that this varies person to person, but is there really THAT much of a risk? While acne is one side possible effect that is obviously undesirable, my main concerns are gyno and depression / a huge decrease in libido / sexual performance. From what I understand, gyno can be prevented and even reversed when caught early, especially if it's a first and only cycle. What I'm most worried about is a noticeable loss in libido/sexual desire/performance, along with the emotional effects of having low test. Because I have been lacking in this area to begin with, whether it's due to mental or hormonal issues, I'm not sure, but I'm getting a blood test done in a few days which may help to explain. I know that once PCT is started, my natural test levels will be low, so a loss in libido is to be expected. But within a few weeks, they should return to normal. Will being young and most likely having relatively high levels of testosterone already reduce the length or severity of this? And while there is a CHANCE, is it really THAT LIKELY for me to experience a long term shut down?
As I said, I have a few friends who have used prohormones multiple times with no problems, and they assure me that I'm being over dramatic and shouldn't worry as much, because most of the common knowledge about steroids/prohormones is biased, flawed, and blown out of proportion after being based upon a small number of bad outcomes. Maybe they're right, or maybe they're just ignorant young kids like myself, but that's why I've come here, in search of educated advice. So realistically, will I be fine, or am I really setting myself up for failure/disappointment/major negative side effects? Thank you to those who will respond rationally and will help me make an informed decision.
You did not give us any of your stats, so I am going to assume you are like the average person and that means your diet is not very good and you have a high body fat percentage. The real, honest to God truth and best option for you to do first is to spend the money on 3J to get your diet fixed right. You can do a cut without any drugs needed and the cost will be around that of an actual drug cycle. Trust me, I went from about 28% body fat to about 14% body fat in 4 or so months under his guidance. You will get a good exercise routine and the proper foods to eat. You will see HUGE changes. Not only that, but the knowledge learned will benefit you forever.

If you are dead set on using prohormones or SARMS, I would stick to the ones that do not shut you down at all. I would choose the ones that help you reduce your fat while not losing muscle. Grab GW-50 and SR9009 from SarmsSearch.com (a forum sponsor - they have legit products). Do a lot of cardio and weight training while taking them. There are NO secret pills to get ripped and lose fat - all the drug aids in the world only help you if you are helping yourself by working hard and eating right.

Seriously, the money spent on 3J is really your best bet...I would start there. ALL drugs work better when your body fat is lower.
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I don't have a good idea of many of my stats that you'd be looking for, but I know they wouldn't be adequate for what would be considered okay to start using prohormones anyway, so I figured they're kind of irrelevant. My body fat probably isn't as low as I think it is, but I have always been on the skinny side, I am lean/athletic and have abs. My main reason for wanting to give prohormones a go is because of how I don't want to go the bulking/cutting route, that along with my current plateau is causing gains to be minimal and slow. This could be improved by hard work and diet, but like I said, being the stupid irrational young kid that I am, a few recent events in my life have caused me to have a "fuck it" attitude. However, I am not 100% sure I am going to yet anyways. Thank you for your honest advice, I will continue to research to help decide if this is would be a horrible decision or if it's just more of something that I would be better off not doing
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Doing a bulk before you get below 15% body fat is just asking for trouble. Do the cut first, a long one, then the bulk. Trust me, it will be worth it in the end. I also cannot say enough good things about 3J and his services. I bought a year's worth because I never do anything small or half way...but even just buying his shortest plan will help out immensely.

Click the banner to his site and check it out, you will be happy you did. I am. He does not even give me anything for saying this stuff. :)
If only I could go back to before I got ahold of ProHormones...

Here's the thing, Prohormones shut down your HPTA. Prohormones are not Testosterone. As a man you need Testosterone to function. Your HPTA is what essentially creates Testosterone, and PHs shut that down.. you're going to feel and eventually look like garbage if you don't replace the Test you were normally making.
Most strong PHs are very toxic to the liver..

These are just a few facts about why it's smarter to just do a cycle of Testosterone, instead of turning to a pill. With Testosterone, you will get bigger, leaner, stronger, manlier.. with PHs you'll get bigger and stronger but then after so long be incapable of getting a hard on, turn yellow, pack on fat, and become incredibly emotional.

All in all, don't do PHs.. do Test Only, or just do SARMS.. WAY safer options in my opinion.

If you can, give us stats.

Age - 20
Note: the reason age is a problem.. you're still developing as a whole until 21y.o., and your brain develops on average until you're 25. When you do steroids, you're shutting a part of your brain down and making drastic changes to your body.. Prohormones are steroids. DO NOT TAKE THIS FOR GRANTED, unless you're willing to commit for a lifetime. Ask yourself, do I want to pin myself every day for the rest of my life?.. cause sometimes your balls won't work anymore..

Height -
Weight -
BF% - (find a chart on Google to compare)

More than likely though, as Cyber has said you need help in the nutrition department. Let's just say, if you're eating less than 2lbs of chicken a day, 3lbs of potatoes, and 4-5cups of greens.. there's a good chance you're not eating enough. That barely covers half of my meals.. so, swallow your pride and consult with 3J. He will take care of you. Even if you still plan on doing a cycle, (make it Test Only, or the SARMS route).. you will literally get no where if your diet and training is lackluster. Steroids are not magic. :)
I do think prohormone liver toxicity is very exaggerated, as I have known guys that stay on shit for months at a time that have turned out fine. They were shut down for a while but are back now (or at least tell me they are haha).

I think a four week cycle is safe, I wouldn't do anything longer than six though. That said if Test was legal I'd do that, seems way safer and more effective.
Liver toxicity is overrated. I have taken plenty of ph's, had the blood work and seen the side effects. My liver numbers were barely affected. They do play havoc with your LDL and HDL numbers which is more of a concern to me personally since I have a family history of heart problems. The lipid profile is very delicate and you should take precautions when using pro hormones.

Having said that I think your best bet is to use SARMS. I have only used ostarine and will soon be trying others. I have seen major increases in strength and size in a short period of time. I have never been able to hold onto the gains I have made with ph's but with ostarine I have. That's my 2 cents.