UODUCKS cycle, Test E, Tren, Anavar


New member
Well b/c I am new here, I might as well get a critique of what i am taking currently

Im 6'4" probably 275
dont know my bf%
I do cardio for 1.5-2.5 hours a day, pretty much every day but manage to miss a day or two a week.

Im on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) so I am prescribed 100mg/week for that. But since last summer Ive just taken 400mg/week. Feel better and I control the blood pressure with meds and bloodwork is good.

A few months ago I was drunk and fucking around and ordered a kilogram of test enanthate powder for 1000$ from china to my friend's place. So brewed up comes to about 450 vials of 10cc vial @ 250mg/mL (2.5 grams/vial the rest was squirted on his cat).
We kept pushing too hard and blowing off the whatman filters until we ordered a syringe pump.
Well anyways, my delightful story aside. I figured i got a lifetime supply of testosterone so I dont need keep buying vials from walmart at 100 bucks a pop and paying money to the lab and primary doc since I have a high deductible.

WHich means, Ive started taking a gram a week, plus we ordered like 100grams of anavar for 1000$ and we had some tren leftover from messing around with pellets. What a waste of time.

So anyways

My cycle is
Gram of Test e a week
75mg tren eod
Anavar 100mg in olive oil swilled in two doses.
1/4 mg of arimidex.

No HCG b/c I am on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and will probably do this until I am over 300 pounds and do a cutting cycle. Id like to be 250 with less than 10% bodyfat and I cant gauge that b/c of the water retention.

Anyways, not alot out there on the test e, tren, anavar cycle.
I got the anavar btw for a cancer patient, Im just taking what wasnt needed so I threw it in the mix serendipitously. Oxandrolone meds can run 40,000$ a year but the same amount from a china source was about 200$. And the cancer patient was my dad
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i like the cycle, i dont think the var will do too much for strength or size along with the tren but it will def help with collagen synthesis, this is def a bonus cause tren makes my joints hurt.

I like tren @ 100 mg EOD but IMO that is a light dose.

ive ran a gram of test and didnt notice much more than i did with 750 but thats your call. if i was pinning the tren EOD and my test was dosed @ 250 i would just run a ml of the test with the tren EOD.

as for the story of squirting the shit all over the kitchen, i think every first time brewer has done it, at least i did. so that was funny.

has the cat put on any size since starting his cycle?
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Good idea on the pinning strategy, thats what I am looking for!!

Man I gots ta tell ya *in my best ghetto typing style* that pushing 5000 cc through whatman filters just aint the best way to do anything unless you work for the government (union rules and all).
So anyways, I quick ebay order and you can save the money on syringe pump just on the whatman filters alone, they last longer without the frustration factor.

As for the cats, man, they got tricked into fighting two magpie crows with that roid rage, damn magpies just instigating the roid rage


edit, guess I cant post a link to my cats for archaic reason. Anyways cut n paste it, you wont be sprru
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shit, my wife is leaving me and packing up as I speak, I think I am going to bump up to a gram a day of test e
Just wondering how long you've been a Ducks fan? I sure see a lot more green t shirts lately. Anyhow, Boomer Sooner! Good luck with the relationship (or getting over it)
Just wondering how long you've been a Ducks fan? I sure see a lot more green t shirts lately. Anyhow, Boomer Sooner! Good luck with the relationship (or getting over it)

LOL, well the misses and I are doing ok, she just does not allow me to drink beer and I did (plus, its stupid thing to do on cycle and I cant handle it b/c Im obnoxious). Guess I am just going to stick to a gram a week, seemed like a good idea at the time after some Guiness.

Ive been a ducks fan for a long time. Cant help it actually since I live just down the road from UofO. I however am a Wolverine through and through but have not been back to Michigan for eons. So this my transplanted team favorite. Plus its awesome for Oregon, you have no idea the excitement around these parts. :beertoast