update...been slackin


New member
Here are some updated pictures of myself. I have not been able to work as much over the past couple months with school and what not, i also had the flu for awile and lost some weight. I have not taken any supplements lately but i plan to take some m1t since i saved an extra bottle after the andro ban. Feel free to criticize...All comments are welcome. i am also trying to make a decesion to get bigger or lean out, so i would like some other people's opinions of what i should do.
Looks great P! BTW, you're no peanut! lol I honestly think you look good at that size; you've got your abs in and everything. stay that way til after summer, then get bigger if you want, but coming from a woman you're lookin just fine ;)
Thanks for the compliments minx, its funny that you say i should stay this way because i have such a prob gaining weight that im forced to be this size...haha...im also lookin to do a cycle somewhere along the way but i feel that i need to go as far as a can naturally.
im may be posting this is the wrong forum, but i was wondering if anyone has a good mass gaining program cause im lookin for something new because may gains have been stagnant for awile now...come to think of it i think i have decreased.. haha...Please write back
peanut said:
im may be posting this is the wrong forum, but i was wondering if anyone has a good mass gaining program cause im lookin for something new because may gains have been stagnant for awile now...come to think of it i think i have decreased.. haha...Please write back

Peanut, just do what Jared does. Stop going to classes and workout for eight hours.

P.S. - Are you going for the cut up look or the block look. STOP CHANGING YOUR MIND AND PICK ONE WATER HEAD :afro: . hahahahah. But serious, pick one and do it. Tommy did the same thing you did, wanting to be cut one day and big the next, now look at him.. :whipping:
Looking thick and lean good combo, remind me of my workout partner (the one with bigger arms than me) the bastard.
I am 5'6, 20 years old, and in those pics im around 160 but im lighter then that now cause i have been running to get leaner for summer. I can bench 335 deadlift 485 and squat about 425. These are my numbers at my current body weight but when i weighed up near 170 they were alot better. Thanks again for all the imput guys.
M-Series, I have been running to lean out and you were def right about me accumulating some fat on my sides. I kind of have a wide rib cage for a small guy but i have problems really leaning out my sides because i do alot of heavy deadlifts and i think that may have attributed to my stomach thickness...Not that im making excuses...hahaha, and thanks again for all your imput everyone.
Looking great Peanut. Like was said, I'd stay lean for summer, then add the mass in winter if you want to get more size. Keep up the great work!