Update: New layout of cycle - any help is appreciated


New member
Again, I am new here, and to the world of stacking. I have done test three times now. The 1st time by itself, rest I stacked it with HGH. I am starting a new cycle and am looking for pointers...

Stats -
36 years old / 5' 10" / 190 lbs

(UPDATED) Cycle -
Sustanon 250 - (1 cc on Sunday and 1 cc on Thursday) = 500 mg / wk
Boldenone E.Q. 300 - (1 cc on Sunday and 1 cc on Thursday) = 600 mg / wk
Anavar - 60 mg a day
Nolvadex - 20 mg a day
N2Gaurd (pricey, just wanted an all-in-one)

Less questions then last time...

Did I up to the right doses?

I am still confused how long should I use each for. I have been told 12 weeks and 16 weeks.

I have also heard conflicting advise of Nolvadex during or after the cycle. I was going to use it during, but I have been advised to use Aromasin instead on cycle and keep the Nolva for after, that using the Nolva during my cycle will hurt my it.

Any advice or recommendations are welcome.

I know it's a lot I am asking, any information will help. As my name states I just want to make sure I am doing things in a healthy way.

Thanks for your time and information. I really appreciate it.
Where is your AI? Nolva is a serm will work on e receptors in breast area but not with the aromatization of test to e2
Why didn't you do this on the original posted thread?

Looks like you were given solid advice there:

Have you read this yet?

There was solid advice there. Now I am taking the advise and seeing where I stand with it. I read Ology and have these questions to ask. I have adjusted my cycle as instructed. Now I want a fresh new look at the new choices.