Update on my hpta restart, Started TRT today


New member
Hey fellas,
I posted in December I believe after I was found to have 75 total testosterone and low FSH and LH. That was about 6-8 months after a test and DECA cycle at age 40. I even did a longer PCT than usual and had never previously had a problem recovering post PCT on about 4 or so cycles all in my mid to late 30s. I contacted IMT and selected to attempt an HPTA restart but it has not worked.
I had a brain MRI done and decided to go see a Dr at a renowned men's health clinic: they drew my labs and my total T (300-1000 range) is 245, 30 days after completing restart therapy. FSH and LH are now low normal. Free test is 0.57 (0.87-5.47 range).

SO... today I started TRT treatment with test pellets inserted. A minor procedure really, I had no pain and the pellets are good for 3-4 months depending on my body. But I don't know if I will continue pellets. They have some great advantages but I'd rather inject test cyp twice a week at home than driving a ways to Doctor office for a procedure every 12 weeks. But I know from experience you get pinning fatigue. Usually by the end of 10-12 weeks I'm all set with pinning. So I imagine I'll be back on pellets at some point, but for now he said I could switch to injections when these pellets dissolve.

Call it vanity, but my biggest drawback to TRT is hair loss. I have a full head of thick hair but lost hair on cycles. Being on TRT for good, I don't know how much longer I'll have hair. I know theory says that while on test you only lose hair you were destined to lose by male pattern baldness, but I don't know of anyone personally who has maintained a full head of hair on try or years of AAS abuse. I know a lot of you say, Get over it and shave your head, but it's harder to accept for somebody who's always had extra thick hair. :squint:

We'll see how it goes. The doc said I could try in 6 months to a year to try to come off TRT but in their experience mostly only obese males who are placed on TRT and lose lots of weight tend to be able to get off TRT and fully recover naturally. He doesn't like my odds.

Any stories or advice you guys want to share? I'm part of the family now. :baby:
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Sorry bud, TRT is for life. There is no coming off.

Try minoxidil for your hair. I've had great success with it - although I'm unsure if I actually have MPB or not. I've done high dose test cycles with no hair loss, but as soon as I start pinning any tren it starts falling out. Minox has stopped all shedding for me. Give it a try.
The doc said I could try in 6 months to a year to try to come off TRT but in their experience mostly only obese males who are placed on TRT and lose lots of weight tend to be able to get off TRT and fully recover naturally. He doesn't like my odds.

Any stories or advice you guys want to share? I'm part of the family now. :baby:

Sorry to hear your restart didn't work, did you get any other tests while on serm or HCG?

I agree that is usually the scenario. Men who drastically reduce their BMI sometimes recover fully.
What other kinds of tests do u mean? Do u mean did I have labs drawn in the first half of treatment, while on hcg?
Also, regarding hair I read that testopel pellets typically lead to less dht production compared to injections. Do u know if there is any basis for this assertion?

It's day 3 today and my glute is a little sore but honestly it's no different than the soreness u get pinning in the glute. It feels exactly the same so those who are terrified of pellet insertion, I say it feels exactly the same to me as pinning.

Will I stick with pellets? I don't know. It depends on what level my t can reach. And how much it falls in the third month. I don't want test to drop from 900 to 500 every third month of treatment. It does for some people and I guess it takes a few rounds of pellets to determine when u need more pellets and how many. I know with 2 shots of cyp a week I can maintain consistent t EVERY month. So we'll see.
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