Updated PCT protocol - any advice appreciated!


New member
Heya guys,

Planning on starting my 3rd cycle very soon; the last was 3 years ago so just wanted to check in with the pros and make sure that protocol hasn't changed in that time. If anyone has any advice/suggestions of things to change or keep the same I would really appreciate it! This will be a cutting cycle:

Week 1->12 - Test Cyp at 250mg - Monday & Thursday
Week 2->13.5 - HCG at 300iu - Friday & Tuesday

PCT (starting 2 weeks after last Test Cyp pin):

Week 14->18 - Clomid at 50mg - 2x per day, morning & night
Week 14->16 - Nolva at 40mg - 1x per day
Week 17->20 - Nolva at 20mg - 1x per day

Since this will be a cut, I was thinking of adding in an AI, but I've not had any sides before (apart from water retention) and as I'll be on low carbs wondering if this is necessary?

why go through all the trouble of pct if you're only gonna be doing 250 test a week? bump it up to around 500 and switch to test prop if you wanna stay with test only cause you're cutting. but since its a cut, you can also stick with that low dose you planned test cyp/enth/prop whatever, and add in an oral that won't bloat you give you a harder look. like winny/anavar/tbol.

OR if you wanna take a step further hit up some tren or masteron. but please please please do tons of research about tren cause its a completely different animal.

and finally, when you are using AAS, you ALWAYS need an AI on hand. i dont care how low you think your dose is. buy an oral and use it as needed

signed, Dr. e92
Thanks e92, much appreciated brother. I was actually intending to do 500mg/week total - split into 2 doses of 250mg. Same with HCG - 2 pins/week, 300iu a time.

I don't really want to start adding in other compounds/orals - Test only is the aim for me, and whilst I am open to different esters, I've done some research regarding prop and I haven't come across any sources which cite it as having a huge benefit over cyp; certainly nothing that seems to warrant the frequency of pinning. Although I am very open to being corrected on that.

I'm a little weary of prop as well; I switched to it at the end of my last cycle and shut myself down hard. Want to try and mitigate any kind of shut down as best I can this time round!
Test is test. Don't worry about the ester. As far as your reasoning for using an ai, its a lil inaccurate. An ai isn't for cutting. It manages estrogen while on cycle. High estrogen can cause lots of shitty sides. Your familiar with one of them. Since test aromatizes, an ai is incorporated to keep estrogen levels within range. Too high or too low of levels is very bad. Bloodwork will determine if you're dosing your ai properly. I suggest doing more research on ai's.
I agree with tbone, you should use an AI at a low dose to eliminate any concerns of aromatization.

I would also query why you are considering HCG @ 300iu?

It usually comes in 2000iu or 5000iu ampoules - so that's why we usually recommend 2 x 250iu Sub-Q pins per week. Good luck measuring out 300iu doses!

One other thing you never mentioned is what you ran for your 1st 2 cycles...?

If you've ran Test at 500mg previously per week, you might want to consider upping it a touch to keep the progress coming.
Thanks very much for the input guys, I appreciate it. Did some further research and have decided to switch to Prop for a shorter cycle. Looking forward to it!

Week 1->8 - Test prop at 150mg - EOD
Week 1->8 - Anavar 100mg ED
Week 1->8 - HCG at 250iu E3D
Week 1->9 - Adex at 0.25 EOD

PCT (starting 3 days after last Test Prop pin):

Week 9->11 - Clomid at 50mg - 2x per day, morning & night
Week 11->13 - Clomid at 50mg - 1x per day
Week 9->13 - Nolva at 40mg - 1x per day
Week 13->15 - Nolva at 20mg - 1x per day