updated pics, please critique (7weeks out)

holy thick back man!!! nice thickness FS. also nice sepperation and deffinition. how the wheels coming along?
haha, thanks. hmmm, for traps i do db and bb shrugs. and my lower back usually just gets hit during my deads. and the wheel pics shall be posted soon... lol, however they are not impressive...
here's the wheels... i'm not too proud of my legs. i squat til i damn near puke and they still refuse to grow. and clearly they aren't gonna get any bigger on this reduced calorie diet so all i can do is try to get em as ripped as i possibly can over the next 7 weeks.
It's like a roadmap back there...(Ken Waller to Arnold)

nice nice..

sickest back I have ever saw

lucky genetics

so you're cutting, right?

ps: isn't that when you're cutting and dieting you shouldn't be hitting as heavy as when you were bulking??
haha, thanks, and yeah i know i neeeeeed my legs to get bigger, i'm open to suggestions as to how to get stubborn legs to grow... believe me it's not due to lack of hard work...
AngryMuscles said:
ps: isn't that when you're cutting and dieting you shouldn't be hitting as heavy as when you were bulking??
No, you should do your same workout and try to keep your strength/increase your strength if possible.

Also, like everyone else said, very, very nice work so far.
If you want a good legworkout, check out PB's/other guy's workout journals. Got some good info roaming around in there.
finelysculpted said:
haha, thanks. hmmm, for traps i do db and bb shrugs. and my lower back usually just gets hit during my deads. and the wheel pics shall be posted soon... lol, however they are not impressive...

I've never had good luck buidling my traps with shrugs. I prefer upright rows and bent over BB rows.

Looking great man. Keep plugging!
finelysculpted said:
haha, thanks, and yeah i know i neeeeeed my legs to get bigger, i'm open to suggestions as to how to get stubborn legs to grow... believe me it's not due to lack of hard work...

What does your leg routine look like right now?
When I started my legs look like that untill I started to bike.
I would do 24 min on a Lifecycle hill program,when you are at the 4minutes you do a stady hill for 5 min then do hills.
My resistance ie 12 out of 20.
Keep speed at 80 RPM untill I hit the 5 min hill where I try to keep RPM anywhere from 105-120.
When I hit the hill you sprint for 1 min then 1 min rest,then 1 min higer hill untill you hit the top!
When on rest keep RPM at 80, when on hill keep a consistant 100-120 sprint untill rest where you keep at 80RPM.
I also do legs backwards.
Leg extension,Press,Squat.Reps at 20,15,10,5. Or 20,15,10,5,1-2 & 20 superset.Blast those legs with fuckin blood!!! :shoot2:
Everyone is different but this really worked for me.

PS-Your lower back around your hips are Fuckin amazing!!!!!!!!
Well balanced but your forarm look smaller.

finelysculpted said:
here's the wheels... i'm not too proud of my legs. i squat til i damn near puke and they still refuse to grow. and clearly they aren't gonna get any bigger on this reduced calorie diet so all i can do is try to get em as ripped as i possibly can over the next 7 weeks.
thanks, my diet is fairly simple, oatmeal, brown rice, an apple or two, egg whites, chicken breasts, and lots of tuna. oh yeah, and lots of broccoli and green beans for when i get really hungry.

parrish, hmmm, i like your way of training combined with the biking. would you recommend a spin class?
parrish, hmmm, i like your way of training combined with the biking. would you recommend a spin class?[/QUOTE]

Have you read my previous posts?
My avatar pic of myself I did 3 spinning classes a week.Remember everyone is different you have to find what works for you.I did legs every 6-7 days(4 leg extensions,4 leg press,4 squat,5 curls).Took me years to find what works for me.
yeah, i'll definitely give that a try. i appreciate your help! you've got some pretty meaty looking quads, i'd love to get there some day... thanks.