ups and downs

joei rock

New member
i recently finished my first cycle of AAS which i know wasnt perfect . nor advised b/c of my super high bf%. but i loved it , and am planning a new cycle to start first week of april.

here what i just finished doing

1-12 600mg equpoise
1-12 400mg tren E

i know many would advise some test in there, but i have had no loss of libido .. and no one suggests tren to be anywhere near a first cycle, but i lucked out. delt with sides just fine. and love the feeling of pure awsomeness. my last pin was 12/22 and im starting a nolva only post cycle therapy (pct) 01/05.

i will be continueing to work towards a 10-12 bf% and like i said have my next cycle planned out and half purchased already.
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apperantly i dont know how to post pics .. i have them uploaded on a photobucket..
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those are the things that i have been focusing on. i know using AAS is frowned upon by most with such high BF% and basicly as a short cut to what would probably have taken me longer to accomplish, but im gona give you the same excuse that many have given and not followed through with.. i am going to keep up the training, diet, and overall healthier life style for not just a couple months while i was on a cycle , but permanently. i havent felt this good for years and there is no way im letting myself ever get out of control how i did once!
Bro, your just going to look alot more fat. Seriously take a 3 month pause get on a cardio/diet plan, drop your bf%, and continue a healthy diet into your cycle and you will be 100% more satisfied with the cycle. Would you rather be a fat [insert poundage here] or a ripped [insert poundage here - no fat].

Just think about it.
why would taking another cycle make me look more fat? i just went from 330 to 265 in 17 weeks , 12 of which were on a cycle.. and i garuntee you i do not look more fat than where i started. im still fatter than where i was b4 i blew up into nasty obesity. but that had nothing to do with AAS obviously since my first cycle ever was this past one.
Keep lying to yourself that you aren't fat.

aka that hourglass figure, aka huge obliques aka love handles
you must be illiterate. because not only have i not stated that i am not fat. but the opposite, what im showing is how fat i am, and how much fatter i was just a few months ago. i am working hard to get myself to where i want to be, and will continue to do so.
thanks for your support and kind words :thefinger
I dealt with a similar situation after an accident so I can associate. However the implementation of exogenous testosterone is not simply for libido. During gear implementation endogenous testosterone production is reduced due to HPTA shutdown. The implementation of exogenous testosterone would be an ideal counter measure. Lack of testosterone can lead to severe mental and physical issues.

Further information is required in order to provide judicious advice. For instance is your goal size or strength? Tren and test alone will help you burn fat and pack on muscle. The implementation of dbol and winnie seems excessive.
i admit i am prob going a bit over board on my plans for the next cycle. it wont begin until april so i have time to plan and prepare. i already have pretty much everything i mentioned above but can obviously either save some things for a later date or "offer" it to someone else. test and tren is for sure going to be part, if not all of it.

my goals are simply to continue burning fat and putting on muscle. i feel i have been doing that. so basicly will be making my decisions when im closer to start time depending on how much more i have accomplished from here to then. i am confident that i will continue making good progress.
i admit i am prob going a bit over board on my plans for the next cycle. it wont begin until april so i have time to plan and prepare. i already have pretty much everything i mentioned above but can obviously either save some things for a later date or "offer" it to someone else. test and tren is for sure going to be part, if not all of it.

my goals are simply to continue burning fat and putting on muscle. i feel i have been doing that. so basicly will be making my decisions when im closer to start time depending on how much more i have accomplished from here to then. i am confident that i will continue making good progress.

Glad to see your optimistic attitude. A calorie deficit of 500 from optimum calories based on BMR should suffice in adipose depletion during cycle.

good job joei rock.. I don't know why someone would flame you for your efforts..
Getting to where you are now from where you were , might be an even greater achievement than if you were to become a musclebound adonis in the next couple of years..
Going from obese to a comfortable weight is as much about reclaiming your life back..
well done and stick at it..
Nobody starts at the top of the mountain.
Enjoy the journey. Dont let anyone steal your joy or vision.
This is your game to win. The only one that can make you lose is you.
Victory baby !!!!!