Use of creating on cycle?


New member
I'm starting my Test-E cycle on monday, I just wanted to know if I should take creatine while on my cycle. Will it be beneficial? I'm assuming so. If so, what is your guys' favorite creatine supplement? I've taken sizeon before and really liked it...quite expensive though. Let me know. Thanks.
there is no need really as you are going to be retaining water anyways.. i like to use it in post cycle therapy (pct) and for a little while after to kind of slow down the weight loss.. as it does give you a small bump in weight and strength.. Creatine is Creatine.. just take it with a sugary drink and you will be fine
I was curious to this answer too.

Was planning on just taking it post cycle, to keep my strength up as much as possible, and not lose too much weight, too fast.
regular bulk creatine monohydrate works fine, 20 bucks for 200 servings.
helps with shuttling water into the muscles and creates more pump. helps with endurance.
dextrose/maltodextrin are not needed once creatine has reached full saturation. no negatives with supplementing with creatine. it can only help you.
Creatine mono or Ancient strenght on and off cycle, it amplifies gains, and helps you keep gains, so its full of win!