Vacationing and steroids?????


New member
Quick question, interested to see peoples opinions on this topic as i have read mixed opinions on other forums.
So lets say your gonna run a cycle of long esters like test e and deca. You are going on vacation sometime through your cycle and would not be able to pin for 10 days, what would you guys do? I seen a graph of test levels on a thread which i can't find anymore saying that doubling your dose the day you leave and double it on the day you get back actually didn't crash your system as hard as you would think but this is something i just read on the internet so who knows. other opinions are since half life is 14 days for test e that you would be okay if you missed ten days between pinning. Obviously best plan would be to plan it out properly so it doesn't work out that way but hey sometimes even then you never know what might come up. Whats everybody thought on this scenario?

NOTE: Before the bashing comes i am not on cycle currently but was wondering about this since this is something i could see being a problem in my future with the amount of vacations i go on.
It is BEST to avoid this problem at all costs, but to what effect the doubling up has, I am curios as well. I ran into this exact problem. I was ready to roll with my cycle the last week of November. However I am going to Mexico Dec 16 thru 22. I contemplated about it for awhile. Especially since I have all of December off because I am a student. But I wound up taking the advice of the vets on here who suggested to wait it out and start the cycle when I return. To get the most bang for your buck i would say to avoid anything interfering with the set schedule.
It's best to wait it out, but yes - you can double the dose and should be fine. The half-life of test is actually 8 days (different sources quote +/- a day or two), so you'd be actually slightly higher than normal. You will also want to remember to potentially up your AI when you get back as it will provide a small spike in estradiol. Do not up it before you leave, as most AI's act faster than the hormone will - dropping you too low. Deca should be fine as it has a significantly longer half-life and you probably won't notice a small dip.

My .02c :)
Quick question, interested to see peoples opinions on this topic as i have read mixed opinions on other forums.
So lets say your gonna run a cycle of long esters like test e and deca. You are going on vacation sometime through your cycle and would not be able to pin for 10 days, what would you guys do?.
I would pick up where I left off the day I am back IMO
if you're going to be cycling with medium length esters and you know you're going to be leaving somewhere, either postpone cycle, double up on pinning before and after, or use a long estered test. Test undecanoate has a loooong half life and can be pinned every 2-4 weeks. PSL carries it at 500mg/mL.
It's best to wait it out, but yes - you can double the dose and should be fine. The half-life of test is actually 8 days (different sources quote +/- a day or two), so you'd be actually slightly higher than normal. You will also want to remember to potentially up your AI when you get back as it will provide a small spike in estradiol. Do not up it before you leave, as most AI's act faster than the hormone will - dropping you too low. Deca should be fine as it has a significantly longer half-life and you probably won't notice a small dip.

My .02c :)

words right out of my mouth
No sir. Just have a lot of vacations planned this year so trying to get a decent cycle in is becoming hard. If I had a prescription that would make it easier
its always the new guys that worry about missing a pin lol

Its seriously no worries man, long esters were made for a reason and missing a shot is not the end of the world.. enjoy your vacation hopefully its with loved ones... who cares about missing a few pins....

and if you're really worried just double up before you leave..
its always the new guys that worry about missing a pin lol

Its seriously no worries man, long esters were made for a reason and missing a shot is not the end of the world.. enjoy your vacation hopefully its with loved ones... who cares about missing a few pins....

and if you're really worried just double up before you leave..

Yea after asking and doing some more reading I'm not too worried about anymore, but still wondering about hcg if you missed 2 pins of that. any info on that?
week 1 -3 test prop 525mg a week
week 1 - 14 t350 700mg a week
week 1 - 12 deca 525mg a week
week 1 - 21 arimidex .5mg e3d
week 1 - 16 hcg 500 iu a week last pin 2 days before pct starts
week 17 start pct at chlomid 100/50/50/50 nolva 40/20/20/20

might throw caber in at .5mg e3d too

any critique on that. or should i start a new thread for that ?
Last edited:
week 1 -3 test prop 525mg a week
week 1 - 14 t350 700mg a week
week 1 - 12 deca 525mg a week
week 1 - 21 arimidex .5mg e3d
week 1 - 16 hcg 500 iu a week last pin 2 days before pct starts
week 17 start pct at chlomid 100/50/50/50 nolva 40/20/20/20

might throw caber in at .5mg e3d too

any critique on that. or should i start a new thread for that ?

New thread would be best
Yea after asking and doing some more reading I'm not too worried about anymore, but still wondering about hcg if you missed 2 pins of that. any info on that?

i wouldn't worry about the hcg doses either... id worry more about keeping enough food in me the whole vacation...

enjoy yourself. go out to eat. make memories that will last with your loved one.. who cares about the drugs
i wouldn't worry about the hcg doses either... id worry more about keeping enough food in me the whole vacation...

enjoy yourself. go out to eat. make memories that will last with your loved one.. who cares about the drugs

^^^^^^^^^^^^ perspective