VERY high blood pressure on cycle !


New member
Hey guys , so about a week ago I got sick . I work outside so the combination of lack of sleep and working in the cold I guess got to me . when I went to see the doctor I asked to check my blood pressure . im taking test at 700mg and tren e at 400 mg per week . she checked it and said it was 120 over 80 or so . she said it was ok . about a few days ago at my girlfriends house she has a cuff and stethoscope . so shes checked it for me . my Blood pressure was 180 over 110 or SO !!!!!!!!!!! I kind of freaked out a bit . im taking arimidex at .5 eod . my cycle just ended the other day . I check it again yesterday and it went down to 148 over 88 . still high . Anyone have any suggestions ? im going to keep checking it now that im done and see what happens
Tren it's notorious for raising BP. Start taking baby aspirin, cut sodium out completely. Tren doesn't work for everyone. I've had 157/105 on tren ace before, but I was pinning 700mg ew. Just have to monitor it and be safe. 180 is dangerously high and you should be concerned. Below 150 is manageable short term. Stay safe
You are dangerously close to having a Hypertensive Crisis where organ damage can happen. You should see a doctor and stop your cycle. It isn't worth blowing out a kidney or some other organ.

Hypertensive Crisis
Before u panic let me suggest you get it checked at the dr office againThise st Homs cuffs are notoriously inaccurate
wow holy shit guys and Megatron , that read just freaked me out even more because 2 nights ago a woke up with a very strange headache running mostly on one side of my head it felt . not like a normal headache . Ive also had shortness of breathe and have been coughing and been very tired . but I kind of related it all to the fact ive been sick . Im going to check it again today and I realy hope it went down . My cycle ended Thursday so it has dropped since then . today im hoping it went down even more ! WOW !
At those levels id just go to the doctor and tell him i was taking prohormones and my bp got out of control. You dont want to have a heart attack or pass out while benching and cave your head in with the bar.