very light headed


Jessica Alba's booty call
so ive been on this new diet for the past month and i have been feeling very light headed. im on a 4o/30/30
diet and cut all sugar out. for the past 2 weeks ive been on a pre cycle of dbol at 20mg ed. ive been drinking about 2 1/2 gallons of water a day. but i feel very light headed and seeing spots in my vision. any advise would be much apreciated.
That's a lot of water actually

U may need salt. Or could be low blood sugar

U know u can have 2 much water

or could be dbol - what lab
kalpa labs i sweat allot at work so i drink allot of water i have a friend that diabetic and he said its sounds like low blood sugar. what can i eat to keep a healthy sugar level