Vince G's Steak&Eggs diet and routine.


So ive been reading alot about Vince Gironda, his diets, workouts, beliefs. I came accross his steak and eggs diet.

1. 3 dozen fertile raw eggs a day (mixing 2 oz of half&half, scoop of protien powder.) drinking it every 3 hrs.

2. All the steak I can eat.

3. Load up on carbs every 5 days.

4. Amino acids and liver tabs every 3 hrs.

Goal is a lean mass bulk. From what i have read this is the same diet Arnold did when winning his first couple of mr. universes.

Im currently doing Vince's 8x8 program and following the routine and form very strictly and i can tell, all though some of these exercises look a little odd in the gym, they WORK! And ive cut my workout times in half by doing so.

I started this program Sunday and i feel great! im full all day, tons of energy except when I feel the hunger comming on and then i feel a little tired. Prolly because i dropped the carbs completely today, i imagine my body will adjust over a little time though.

What do you guys think? I was thinking with all the egg yellows that my cholesterol would go through the roof but ive researched a little and found out that high cholesterol isnt necessarily bad in an very active person. Its the fat asses that sit around all day that have high cholesterol that would cause bad things, and these are the people who are subject to disease, heart attack, high blood preasure, etc...

Open to all constructive critisism. thanks guys!
Well my problem with this diet is consistency. While I'm sure it will get results you can probrably get results with another plan, a well balanced plan, a longterm diet plan.

I eat 3 whites and a whole egg every morning. A few months into this and I cannot eat the yolk now I have to break it up and wash it down like a pill. I always loved eggs but hard-boiled eggs everyday is getting to me. 36 eggs in a day.... how long can you keep that up for. I foresee a lot of cheating.

I hope either I am wrong about the diet or you find a great one you can use for years. W.E. happens good luck man!
Well my problem with this diet is consistency. While I'm sure it will get results you can probrably get results with another plan, a well balanced plan, a longterm diet plan.

I eat 3 whites and a whole egg every morning. A few months into this and I cannot eat the yolk now I have to break it up and wash it down like a pill. I always loved eggs but hard-boiled eggs everyday is getting to me. 36 eggs in a day.... how long can you keep that up for. I foresee a lot of cheating.

I hope either I am wrong about the diet or you find a great one you can use for years. W.E. happens good luck man!

Well I have eaten eggs every morning an I mean every single morning for the past 2.5 yrs, and the key has been to mix it up. Don't eat just hard boiled, or scrambled. Mix it up throughout the weeks. Im a creature of routine so I dont foresee this as a problem.

Today I felt really tired, no doubtedly because of the lack of carbs im used to. Also had reeeeal bad gas lol.

But otherwise I feel rather lazy and uncomfortable from being full all the time. Kind of a big difference from the first couple of days. But I imagine my body will start to cope soon enough.

Also havent been able to consume the full 3 dozen yet. Right now im up to 18-20 eggs, and there hasnt been alot of room for steak. One small one at dinner. Im still feeling very dedicated though and plan on keeping it up for at least 6-7 weeks.

The workouts are kicking my ass, really been focusing on form and doing it the way Vince had intended. I only have to perform 6 exercises but if you are familiar with the 8x8 routine then you know you feel worked the f out by the time your done. Workout are cut in half and and intensity of training has been increased. looking forward to seeing some results after a while. Will keep everyone updated through the weeks.
Good Luck with it crazytglo if it works for you that's great, my problem is I can't function without carbs, I've tried staying on low carb diets for my body to adjust to them but to no avail. I become a useless wreck, so if it works for you that's great. I know 3J offers a KETO diet package so he's the man to speak to if you have questions
My main concern with this would be cholesterol. I wouldn't eat raw eggs either because of salmonella. And eating the same thing constantly sounds dull and hard to stay consistent with for very long. I eat basically the same thing every day but I try to change it a little bit every week.
My main concern with this would be cholesterol. I wouldn't eat raw eggs either because of salmonella. And eating the same thing constantly sounds dull and hard to stay consistent with for very long. I eat basically the same thing every day but I try to change it a little bit every week.

As long as eggs are washed thoroughly before you crack them then you should be fine.

Salmonella is actually on the outside if the egg, if it were inside then the egg would not even be an egg, and would have never formed to one. But yes it is something you have to be careful with to not get.
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I did this diet before. It was a nightmare. At first I loved the foods. Then it became too much and too repetitive. My bowel movements were horrible. For ME this type of diet would last only a week or 2 now if I did it again.
I just started doing 8x8's Sunday and a starting the steak and eggs today. An earlier post mentioned the gas attack and I am wondering if he is taking any kind of digestive enzymes. As for the workout, I definatly feel the difference (PAIN!) and this is after working out for 18 months. Looking forward to more.
Are you guys at least microwaving the eggs before eating? I heard from somewhere that if they were not above 100 degrees they would have terrible bio availability.