Viraloid anyone know anything about it?


New member
someone i work out with was telling me about this suppliment. I read a bit about it just curious if anyone has used it or heard of it.

Its marketed in the US as Viraloid.
good stuff

Andru1313 said:
someone i work out with was telling me about this suppliment. I read a bit about it just curious if anyone has used it or heard of it.

Its marketed in the US as Viraloid.
I have a friend who was about 130lbs when i first met him. He left to work in iraq for a few mounths came back and was very cut up to say the least. He left again to work another three mo.s or so and came back down right swole. Now I am not by far small. I have had a muscular frame all my life. This guy is bigger and more muscular than me now. To be totaly honest the only reason I found this forum is because I was looking for information about viraloid because he has convinced me to get some.

Unless you have found some bad side effects or something I would get it. I say that because I have ordered me some yesterday.