Vitamin B6


New member
just started my first cycle, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to break out with acne pretty bad, I used to have it on my face when I was younger, and still have some bad bacne.

so in trying to minimize it without getting a prescription to accutane. I've heard vitamin B6 works fairly well.

my question is, how much should I take per day? to keep everything in check?
You mean vitamin b5 (D-Pantothenic acid). Here's something previously posted by StoneColdNTO on the subject:

it is D-Pantothenic acid.

I assume you are looking into it for acne control.

Many start off with in excess of 6 grams/day, then taper back to around 3-4 grams/day.

Personally I can get by with 3 grams/day.

You should really look into getting 1000mg time release tabs.
Accutane (isotretinoin) is a bitch. Avoid it if you can. I recently started isotretinoin at 55mg twice/day (Within the 1-1.25mg/kg/day range as usually prescribed). I already have the chapped lips and my skin is starting to itch.
Aboot said:
You mean vitamin b5 (D-Pantothenic acid). Here's something previously posted by StoneColdNTO on the subject:

it is D-Pantothenic acid.

I assume you are looking into it for acne control.

Many start off with in excess of 6 grams/day, then taper back to around 3-4 grams/day.

Personally I can get by with 3 grams/day.

You should really look into getting 1000mg time release tabs.

ok cool, I'll go buy some tommorow
I use 4 grams split thoughout the day works good for me.

1g at breakfast, lunch, dinner, and before bed