Vitamin D to reduce myostatin levels?


New member
So i have been scouting around and came across this.......

Vitamin D’s Role in the Myostatin Pathway

1,25(OH)2Vitamin D3 Stimulates Myogenic Differentiation by Inhibiting Cell Proliferation and Modulating the Expression of Promyogenic Growth Factors and Myostatin in C2C12 Skeletal Muscle Cells

The study was relatively simple. The researchers split mouse C2C12 skeletal muscle cells into two groups: 1) a treated group (soaked in 100nM of vitamin D 2) an untreated group. Then over a 10 day period, the researchers used a handful of complex tests (immunefluorescence, PCR, Western blottings, ICC, etc) to answer two very important questions:

Does vitamin D autoregulate its own receptor?
Does vitamin D influence myogenesis?

The Vitamin D Receptor

Vitamin D does appear to autoregulate its owns receptor, which wasn’t that surprising. What was surprising was that it appeared to downregulate its receptor after several days of treatment, much like other hormones do.

Vitamin D and Muscle Growth

The results:

Up to an 85% reduction in PCNA expression (cell proliferation), P<0.0001
A 4-fold increase in MyoD expression, P<0.001
A 6-fold increase in desmin, P<0.001
A 2-fold increase in mean diameter of fibers, P<0.001
A 2.5-fold increase in size (width), P<0.001
A 3-fold decrease in IGF-1 expression, P<0.01
A A 2.5-fold increase in IGF-2 expression, P<0.01
Up to a 10-fold decrease in the expression of Myostatin, P<0.001
A 2.5-fold increase in Follistatin expression, P<0.01

Impressive, isn’t it? Not only did they have specific myogenic markers and transcription factors that suggest vitamin D’s role in muscular development, but they also had visible differences in fiber diameter and width.

One statistic was particularly interesting to me, and in my opinion, might be the most interesting finding in the study. Vitamin D appears to not only increase follistatin expression (which will bind any available myostatin and make it useless), but also appears to decrease myostatin production at the mRNA and protein level. So it can possibly reduce myostatin activity AND expression.

Does anyone here use or have tried vitamin D in such a way? i think i am going to try this but not sure whether to use it on cycle or off cycle to measure results also would anyone else be interested in taking part in doing this in the near future and reporting results to a thread?
Interesting. My last labs had me with low D. I have been taking 20,000 iu / day since. That was a while ago, I gotta get it checked again.
I am currently on cycle so i'm going to have to wait but i train with two natty guys and they are both interested in trialing this with me, our plan is to first see if there is any sort of short term use effect so as soon as i am off cycle, finished pct and gone back to normal levels we are going to hit a 4 week period strict on diet to keep variables to a minimum and record progress on a weekly basis - measurements - weight - strength increases etc, Then the following 4 week period will be set same strict diet and same regime and same recording of stats etc but running as high a dose as possible and safe of vitamin D3 and see if there are any differences what so ever, as we are recording weekly too we should be able to see kick in time scales etc, if we do not see any change out of the norm of our base 4 week period we will continue for a further 4 weeks running the D3, after 8 weeks of D3 if there is no significant change it shall be called bunk but i am quite optimistic about this and my research will be complete before xmas this year and i will post a thread for this and keep all you informed as we go along so you can see for yourselves. Thanks for the interest guys :)
Just an update for this thread..........After some intense searching and digging the recommended max dose of D3 is 40,000iu daily for periods of no more than 8-12 weeks so when i start this trial we will be using close to the upper limit - 35,000 iu daily, and as this is a cheap vitamin readily available as D3 only an 8 week cycle of this (should it work) would cost less than 1 x 10ml vial of any testosterone, I have my fingers crossed for this but there are limits as D3 is a lipid soluble vitamin and long term use can have some unwanted side effects but hey what doesn't? bloods are also simple the only tests needed would be for hypercalcemia and myostatin levels my plan is to start this trial on Monday 29th of September.
This is interesting news to me... I take 100,000iu of Vit D every 4 weeks so any myostatin reduction is good news lol.

On the side, has anyone noticed Vitamin D causes a slight tan? I know it's good for the skin and my skin does look better with it in both colour and appearance... I went 10 weeks without it and swear I notice my skin going back to it's usual Vitamin D use state.

I like it.
This is interesting news to me... I take 100,000iu of Vit D every 4 weeks so any myostatin reduction is good news lol.

On the side, has anyone noticed Vitamin D causes a slight tan? I know it's good for the skin and my skin does look better with it in both colour and appearance... I went 10 weeks without it and swear I notice my skin going back to it's usual Vitamin D use state.

I like it.
to make a difference we will be using 35,000 iu DAILY the only draw back to this is prolonged use can lead to hypercalcemia and with vitamin D3 having an 8 week half life your talking 4 months of really bad effects if things go wrong but on the plus side i could turn into the hulk lol, you should request bloods for your myostatin levels and see if you have any change from the norm levels (if your doc will allow such a thing as I'm struggling to find a doc to help and have started looking at universities etc)
I don't really plan on using anymore than I currently am (100K IU monthly, which equates to 25K IU weekly or roughly 3,500iu daily)... If it does help reduce myostatin at that dose then it makes me on happy camper... But it is not my reason for using. Rather for the effects on calcium retention/bone strength and especially skin health, tone etc
I don't really plan on using anymore than I currently am (100K IU monthly, which equates to 25K IU weekly or roughly 3,500iu daily)... If it does help reduce myostatin at that dose then it makes me on happy camper... But it is not my reason for using. Rather for the effects on calcium retention/bone strength and especially skin health, tone etc

you would need to run 20,000 upto 35,000 iu ED for an effect i believe
I'll pass for a little decrease in myostatin... Would rather spend that money on extra food/gear to be honest. Mind you, say you were to run those doses, how much of a reduction in myostatin would there be and would you literally be better off running a little extra gear?
I'll pass for a little decrease in myostatin... Would rather spend that money on extra food/gear to be honest. Mind you, say you were to run those doses, how much of a reduction in myostatin would there be and would you literally be better off running a little extra gear?

could be a 20% decrease if it works and its very cheap very very cheap i can get 1000 5000iu caps for less than a single 10ml vial of gear :)
20% decrease sounds decent... Technically speaking, at 3,500iu ED it would be helping somewhat, however probably next to negligible...?
also such high doses have not been tried with humans before (not that i could find anyway) and with D3 having a half life of 8 weeks if you develop hypercalcemia you got to ride it out for 4 months
honestly this is more of a personal research effort i would NOT recommend trying this to anyone without knowing tolerances etc