Voice Changing Supplement


New member
I am a 23 year old male...gay..none the least and i sound like a girl whenever i talk on the phone, everything thinks i am a female and sometimes when i call a patient to come back to my room, they will even say yes mam........sad i know....

I want my voice to go deeper. I am overweight and just started hitting the gym two weeks ago with 30 mins of cardio everyday and weights three times a week, I want to know if there are any supplements, shots, or anything i can take that will deepen the sound of my voice. Please help me out. I am self consceince enough...this would be great to fix this.


This is very original. Most of these changes happen during puberty... your best bet is to run something very androgenic like masteron or proviron. Test would help too.
This is because of hormone disorder. I think hormone test will give proper idea. There are more alternatives to cure too. Taking lady finger may do it and also the almond.

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