want to bulk...


New member
But being in the 20 percentile range for most of my life and finally getting down into the 9% range I am worried about getting back on the fat boat,, any advice would help
No worries man. 9% is good. About where
I like to stay. To better answer your question, What are your stats? What do you eat day to day? What does your training consist of? You will need to set some baselines for macro nutrients and calorie intake to meet your goals.

To put on muscle you need to eat a lot of
real food. I eat 5 times a day, 700 calories
each meal. 3500 total. Some of staple foods I eat include boiled chicken breasts, tuna, lean beef, sweet potatoes, brown rice, and oats.

In the diet forum the moderator 3J has a thread where you can input all your info
and it will give you a pretty good idea
of where you need to be.

But being in the 20 percentile range for most of my life and finally getting down into the 9% range I am worried about getting back on the fat boat,, any advice would help
Im 5'8 5'9 153-155 My diet is 50 35 15 around pro fat carbs my carbs are pre workout and post workout on training days and only breakfast on non training days my workout routine is as of now on a 5 week program I designed for my self giving me a goodrange of periodization... Day 1 shoulders/ triceps smyth press 2 WU sets 3 Work sets (12-15rp) underhand grip press 3-4 10-12 reps side laterals 3-4 sets 12, 8, 8 , 12 weighted dips.... Sample of my regiment I do 2 or3 exercises for majors and one for smaller once a week and the second training day i do only 2 exercises for majors and ill do 2 for smaller so if day 1 i do shoulders 3 tris 1 on day 5 ill do shoulders 2 tris 2. during the week I need to have 2 protein fat mixes as meals as my job wont allow me to eat between breaks. I eat alot of meals id say 5 meals first twomeals are 800- 700cals then it gets progressively lower after workout its 500 cals then the last 3 meals are 400-500 not including the 2 protein fat shakes I have as Meal replacements and the protein carb (dextrose mix) i have after w/o

My diet consists of these foods only I am very strict on my day and havent had a cheat day in over I cant even remember last time maybe last summer,,, Eye round steaks, egg whites, tuna , chicken breast, eggs, natural peanut butter, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, broccoli, gluten free bread( cut that out just recently), cashews, almonds, macadamia nuts, avacados, canned salmon, fresh salmon, cottage cheese, smoked herring canned, extra virgin olive oil, almond oil, flax oil, coconut oil, (if i need carbs or sugar because i eat so few carbs ill add blue berries or yogurt for a sugar carbup) I also do a few days 15 % carb , then ill do a high carb day maybe 25 % most , then ill do a depletion under 10 % carbs. so an average week would be 3 days 15% 1 day 25% 1 day under 10% ( only carbs coming from broccoli and dextrose post workout) not including trace amounts from peanut butter or avacados then 2 days 15% something like that never domore then 1 day under 10 percent.

On training days my pro/ fat /carb is around 500/160/ 110
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Well, sounds like your working hard at this.
I think you need to make some adjustments though.
Your macro's tell me you need more carbs, fats, and probably less protein.
500/160/110 adds up to about 2500 calories a day. You may need 1000 more.
Eat breakfast everyday, even if it's just a
shake and oats. Try to eat at least every
2-3 hours. I know work can be a MF but
figure a way. Also keep your calories up
throughout the day as you are trying to
gain mass.
Well, sounds like your working hard at this.
I think you need to make some adjustments though.
Your macro's tell me you need more carbs, fats, and probably less protein.
500/160/110 adds up to about 2500 calories a day. You may need 1000 more.
Eat breakfast everyday, even if it's just a
shake and oats. Try to eat at least every
2-3 hours. I know work can be a MF but
figure a way. Also keep your calories up
throughout the day as you are trying to
gain mass.

Actually 500/ 160/ 100 is 3840 calories 500x4=2000 160x9=1440 100 x4=400 total 2000+ 1440 + 400= 3840