Wanted your opinions on Igf-1 lr3


NPC Amateur Bodybuilder
I have a vial of this on the way; wanted to get yall's opinions on it.
Planning on 40mcg ED for 25 days; preworkout subq pins. Currently on Dr scripted TRT 200mg Test-C wk. If this run turns out well I will be doing 4 on 4 off.
Currently at 173lbs, end goal is 202lbs by 2019.
Move to post workout and make sure you are eating right.

Diet is 3000 kcal 40/40/20 macros; cheat meal 3x weekly (In N' Out 3x3 no cheese, BOMB!)
Would I get any benefit from splitting it 20 pre and 20 post? Just herd the pumps are wicked on it but I'm after results so is post would yield more I'm all for it. You obviously know what you're doing when it comes to IGF-1 so I'll do what yoiu reco.
According to another post the half life is 20 to 30 hours, so I don't see any benefit to 20 pre and 20 post workout.

If you wanted really flat blood levels splitting into every 12 hours would do the trick. ****not allowed**, I'm seriously tempted to try some out.
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I've just been doing 50mcg post workout and seems to be working well. Starting to feel slightly fuller throughout the day; endurance is way up. Starting to love this stuff. Shame I have 5 kits of HGH I can't user just sitting there but this is proviong to be a nice alternative.