Wanting advice on prohormones out today


New member
So I am wanting to run a cycle. I took SUS500 by G.E.T a couple years ago before it was banned (to my knowledge it was tren based) and i made really good gains off this, 25 pounds and all my lifts jumped way up. since then ive run a few other things and the results weren't the same. i am looking to find something to get me the same results i experienced on SUS500.
All help is appreciated
age and hight, other info would

Age 21
Height 5'10
Weight 165
I have a really fast metabolism so its really hard for me to gain weight. i started lifting when i weighed 115 pounds at 5'10 (i know i looked like a Holocaust victim)
So this weight ive put on the past 4 years really is alot for me.
your natty test levels at ur age is probly threw the roof, dont cycle, dude listen to me, hit up 3j in the diet section, you need to eat certain things and he knows about all that stuff. or do more reserch on diets and what foods to eat at what times. plus prohormones tear up your guts man. ive ran quad stacks in the past and its not the way to go. diet diet diet
21 is too young....you should wait until you're like 25 or 30...

and your fast metabolism and having a hard time gaining weight is just an excuse for not eating enough food and having your diet on point