I've read a lot of these posts and threads and hung around a while I hope I get all the information in here. I have just a couple questions that will be spread through the post and any advice would be great thank you.
5' 10
Lifting for 5 years solid.
I understand and have read the recommended age is 24-25 because of the brain not being fully developed if I understood that right. Just to counter that I matured mentally very early and graduated high school at 16 and college at 19. I don't know if that is relevant. With that said I feel I am pretty close to my genetic limit and have decided to run a cycle. It would be test only
Test prop 1-12 525mg/week pinned eod
1-12 arimidex .5 mg eod adjust with blood work mid cycle from what I've read.
Hcg 1-12 250 iu's 2x a week. This helps make recovery easier correct?
NAC at 1200mg/day
Pct... 5-8 days after last pin I think is correct?
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/100/50/50
I believe this has covered everything. It would be a lean bulk. I am hoping to get to around 220 with the same bf%. I would be at a small caloric surplus for the first 8 weeks probably around 150-200 cal. Then the last 4 weeks drop to maintence calorie intake. Any suggestions or thoughts would be great. I will say thank you in advance.
5' 10
Lifting for 5 years solid.
I understand and have read the recommended age is 24-25 because of the brain not being fully developed if I understood that right. Just to counter that I matured mentally very early and graduated high school at 16 and college at 19. I don't know if that is relevant. With that said I feel I am pretty close to my genetic limit and have decided to run a cycle. It would be test only
Test prop 1-12 525mg/week pinned eod
1-12 arimidex .5 mg eod adjust with blood work mid cycle from what I've read.
Hcg 1-12 250 iu's 2x a week. This helps make recovery easier correct?
NAC at 1200mg/day
Pct... 5-8 days after last pin I think is correct?
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/100/50/50
I believe this has covered everything. It would be a lean bulk. I am hoping to get to around 220 with the same bf%. I would be at a small caloric surplus for the first 8 weeks probably around 150-200 cal. Then the last 4 weeks drop to maintence calorie intake. Any suggestions or thoughts would be great. I will say thank you in advance.