Water bsaed winny problems

winny is one of the most fickle hormones out there. the ps80 will help with clumping but is not necessary. if you can shake it and its good then what more you want. i have had premade Winstrol (winny) that needed shaking.

lots of variables here as well. were the batches of powder different or from the same batch.

conversion temps could have been different.

climate makes a difference.

welcome to the world of conversions. this is not exact science as many of you are finding out. what works like a charm one time fails the next for no apparent reason.

the only hormone more fickle than Winstrol (winny) is 4ADne. very cheap and potent ph but aggravating to make up. i never could get it top hold in solution but suspenions worked nicely most of the time.

next on the list is T cyp. i have had it to hold with no slovents and had it crash with 2/20. go figure. just heat and serve if this is the case. =0)
It could very well be a question of ps80. The thing is, you want the Winstrol (winny) to "crash" out of solution as quickly as possible. I think thats why the squirt method works well because the water has little time to get warm. I cant explain what I want to say easily, but I think the method I posted in the sticky will work ona cosistant basis. Ill be trying it tonight, so look for results.
2 words RJH...It works

In fact it worked so well im astounded. It pulls through a 25g with ease. I did not use ps80 either. I filtered the water/ba first. Filtered the peg/winny into it. Shake and its ready to go. Beautiful stuff. I made 50ml - 50mg/ml.
DougoeFre5h said:
2 words RJH...It works

In fact it worked so well im astounded. It pulls through a 25g with ease. I did not use ps80 either. I filtered the water/ba first. Filtered the peg/winny into it. Shake and its ready to go. Beautiful stuff. I made 50ml - 50mg/ml.

That settles it then. I will try it out when my order gets here and let you know. Thanks guys.