water intake

big ferrigno

New member
I'm on another cycle of creatine right now and just wondering if i'm getting enough water.

I drink about a gallon and 2 liters a day
12 quarts a day on a low sodium diet can be fatal. Electrolytes. Knew a kid who drank 14 quarts a day on low sodium and died from lack of electrolytes in the brain. keep it around 2 IMO.
Is it true that if you dont consume too much water during a cycle then you will keep on more muscle after the cycle?
Bro....what you should do is just drink as much damn water as you can humanly take!! haha, i even force myself to drink water if i have not drank any in like 20 min...
Basically, there is never too much water! I drink around 6-8 gallons of water a day, starting the minute i wake up, and i get up during the night to drink more water!

You should drink as much water as you can make yourself drink bro! even if you piss every 5 minutes, and that is a GOOD sign! it means that you are gettin enough water in your system!

just my .02
with the amount that i am having now i'm already pissing every 10-20 minutes
haha my manager isn't too pleased about that! FUCK HER!
I would not drink more than 3 gallons on a low sodium diet, and no more than 4 on a high sodium. Some people can do it, but only because the body flushes itself and so the water not only goes to waste but the body spends alot of energy warming it and getting rid of it. To much water can also cause the body to dehydrate because once it starts flushing the water through it doesn't stop until the water intake stops (what is probably happening to gymphreak.)