Water loss/retention & paper-thin skin!


New member
I need to know how to lose the water weight to gain definition! I use Xpel by MHP which is very helpful, and I understand that water loading by increasing intake by about 2 litres a day, loading sodium, and then dropping both is the way to do it for competition sake. However, my question is about how to keep this look on a daily basis. I see many classic physique guys out there in public taking photos every other day and keeping the obliques looking proper, vascular everywhere, and extreme definition. How is this accomplished as a means of daily lifestyle decisions to achieve this look?!?!
Just be sure your not wanting to look like the guys internet as all of those pics are photoshopped to appear like that.
How much expel do you use? what is your diet like? how much water do you drink per day? please share your stats my friend, age, weight, height, bf% etc.
have you ever done a cycle?
Are you prepping for a competition, what has your training, diet protocol been up to now? are you cycling?
Oh I know photoshopped photos are everywhere lol thanks though. I only use xpel on occasions when I'll need it more like summer time. I will experiment with it during off seasons to find the best way of using it for my body though. I believe its extremely unhealthy to use consistently, as well as I work and go to school so I don't feel like pissing every 5 seconds lol. diet depends on cycle goal, whether I'm on or off. Can go anywhere between intermittent fasting, to 6-8,000 calories a day. Summer time eat clean and just enough to allow tren and whatever else im stacking to be worth it, usually masteron prop, while fasting enough to keep extremely lean. I'm 5"7', 182, lost my caliper when moving houses so until I get another one soon I can only guess as to around 8-9% (which should be pretty accurate im good at gauging it at this point visually). I'm 25, has been cycling for about I think 4 years? At one point in college I coasted for a while so technically I never came off for almost 2 years...(I like getting laid). right now I did just start a cycle later than I should have due to the housing move situation, started about I think 3 weeks ago at this point. Will stay on at least through the end of summer. And YES, I understand thats not the "healthy" way to go about manipulating endogenous hormones and destroying my endocrine system, as many believe there is something somehow "healthy" about any of this! I do what feels good and looks good and what I'm comfortable with. * No problem getting my fiancee pregnant either! I'm running about 600mg sust a week, EOD dosing/700-1,000mg of tren ace, ED, depending on how I feel at the current moment and what I feel I need/mast prop, about 300-500mg a week, EOD. I kinda wanna play around though because I've never taken Boldenone Prop and I recently became able to acquire some so I'm prob gonna switch the mast to EQ prop soon. My goals have changed since getting older and finishing my degree as well. No longer want to be a mass monster like when I was younger in college, want to have good size but always stay as lean as absolutely possible.
No, I am not prepping for a competition which is what I meant in the title I might have been a little ambiguous by accident. I meant I know the way to do it when you only need to stay super lean and defined and vascular for a half a day. My question was more about keeping the classic physique on a regular basis and staying defined always. This has never been a goal of mine until recently so I've never had the desire to find out the most efficient way of doing so. I platuead before I ever starting cycling, I did it the right way unlike most nowadays. Training is ideally 6 days a week, can unfortunately become 4-5 very easily due to exigent circumstances (School, Work, Fiancee, Family).