Water Retention with Low Dose Testosterone?


New member
I am only taking 250mg of Testosterone Cypionate per week yet I have been experiencing "Back Pumps" or lower back pain due to water retention. I can also visibly see the water retention on my body. This makes me think some of the testosterone is aromotizing into estrogen. I was considering a very low dose of Arimidex to prevent this unwanted side effect.

Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?
Take 0.5mg Arimidex every 3 days - it should help bring your estrogen down.

Also if you are suffering back pumps - 3-5g Taurine may help with this daily.
You probably need an AI. Getting blood work first would be preferred rather than guessing.

Also, I would start at a lower dose. I would begin with .25mg every 3.5 days. It usually doesn't take much Adex for TRT doses of Test unless your body fat is really high.
surprised no one here is talking diet... a bad day of too much sodium will do it for me.... with trt you have to mintor blood levels but diet is very important
Started taking .25 mg Arimidex twice a week and the water retention has gone away!
Still a small amount of lower back pain but it is ok. I think my bodyfat is too high and it caused the 250 mg Testosterone to aromatize.
I know Megatron is right and I need to get blood work.
Thanks for the help it is working.