ways to increase appetite?

There really isnt a special trick that will do it except maybe something like HGH. What I would do is like lets say you need to take in 4000 calories a day for a bulk. week one start at like 3200, then the week after bump it up to 3500, then 3700, then to 4000. kind of ease into it and get yourself used to eating a lot. im not sure if this works but i have heard it works for some people.

otherwise when i have a rough time getting a meal down i will watch videos of jay cutler or phil heath or whoever to motivate me to eat. that works well for me.

you could also replace one meal with a protein+oatmeal shake if you dont have one already, that may help.
this thread is old lol but there is a supplement that takes a little while to kick in but it increases your appetite.

My grandma is in her late 90's and was really sick and just couldn't eat/wasnt hungry... they gave her this milky looking shit for a few days and she was grabbing my lunch out of my hand in the hospital and eating it. i don't remember the name but use google and you will find it.
Reduce your fiber intake. Drink a small glass of fruit juice half an hour before your meal. Eat just before you go to bed.
What i have found to be useful in the past was inject-able vitamin b12, it worked great for me because it gave me more energy,in return my appetite grew.

I actually still inject b12 every week.

I'm like a bottomless pit, last sunday for example meal 5/7 I ate 635g (when raw) of fresh Atlantic salmon, 85g (when raw) brown rice & some veggies, & meal 6/7 I had almost 440g (when raw) of eye round steak with shitload of veggies, 2 whole eggs & 3 egg whites (no carbs since it was at around 8:30/9pm. everything was cooked of course I just weight it before cooking it.
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I had to go with 6-8 meals a day. It is a chore but the only way I could get the calories way up without getting all lethargic.