WebMD's take on protein consumption...

You don't need an M.D. to come up with those pearls of wisdom. Common sense being touted as expertise.
I significantly cut down my own protein intake. I was flatulent for over a year on a high protein diet. I've since cut back greatly and the gassiness has gone away while still gaining...
WebMD said:
deally, you should consume 0.36 grams of protein for every pound of body weight, according to recommended daily allowances (RDA) set by the Food and Nutrition Board. So if you weigh 170 pounds, you need about 61 grams of protein each day.
So if you eat a 9oz steak youre already consuming "excessive" protein acording to these guys :insane2:
According to medical doctors, yes. Now multiply that by about 6 or 7 and you see where the debate lies...

Perhaps we should get 'ology's experts (everyone) to intelligently and scientifically deliberate with accredited and certified medicinal doctors.
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I think those values are intended for the average American. Keep in mind the average american is very sedentary. We(BBers/PL's) are not average.
I've taken that into account, all while considering this quote:

WebMD said:
Seems like everyone at the gym is doing it: filling up on protein to bulk up those biceps. But it's a misconception. Eating extra protein actually doesn't do much toward boosting your muscle mass and strength.

This would apply to us, I believe...

WebMD said:
Eating more protein and increasing total caloric intake while maintaining the same exercise level will build an equal amount of additional fat and muscle mass, according to a study published in 1992 in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

Does anyone have any scientific studies done on how much protein a bodybuilder should ingest?

I've heard that in order to bulk, take 1 gram of protein per lb BW, others say 2 grams. Apparently, this study suggests that the average sedentary American should ingest 61 grams if one was to weigh 170. I can't imagine that what bodybuilders ingest nowadays is actually beneficial. At 61 grams for the average person, I'd assume to double or triple that for an avid lifter.

But like I said earlier, guys here are taking 6 or more times the recommended value. Am I the only one who is willing to challenge this common practice?
tatu said:
Am I the only one who is willing to challenge this common

Hey man, protein aint cheap. if somone proves to me without a shadow of a doubt that I don't have to ingest over 225g's of protein per day to build muscle, then I'm willing to change.
BiggerthanLavar said:
Hey man, protein aint cheap. if somone proves to me without a shadow of a doubt that I don't have to ingest over 225g's of protein per day to build muscle, then I'm willing to change.

I wish 225 was my number, I am at 400 G a day!!!!
you can get 400g's protein from 11 cans of tuna fish... thats 2 of 5 meals @ 4 cans each meal... .79 cents a can, thats less the $10 bucks.... i know eating tuna 2x a day for 10-16 weeks sucks ass, but if you do it half of the week it saves you a lot of money...
this sounds gross but it aint that bad---- if you drink it quick---- mix 4 cans tuna, 12 oz oj and some pineapples in a blender


mix it in with your fav protein shake, its not as bad as you might think, its not as good as you'd hope....
hammer53 said:
this sounds gross but it aint that bad---- if you drink it quick---- mix 4 cans tuna, 12 oz oj and some pineapples in a blender


mix it in with your fav protein shake, its not as bad as you might think, its not as good as you'd hope....


I don't think I'll be trying that anytime soon...

There's just some sacrifices I'm not willing to take :)
jeep said:
I wish 225 was my number, I am at 400 G a day!!!!

Well, at just over 1gm a day 225 would be fine for me but if I followed the 2gms per lb rule, I'd be at 300g! I did it for about 2 days. I couldn't even walk.
for me the hard part is taking in 400g's of protein and still keeping my carb count low (im trying to run a cutter), as well as my fat count. my diet consits mostly of tuna, chicken, steak, low carb protein shakes, egg whites, and sushi (sashimi)...
what do you make shakes with 16 scoops of n large per shake???

PROLAB - N LARGE - 4 scoops per serving:
Calories - 600
Total Carbohydrates - 86g
Total Fat - 6g
Protein - 52g
Calories from Fat 45

no multiply that all by 4 and thats alot to consume twice a day...