Weight gain for my wife!


"Resident BadAss"
I'm currently getting my wife back in the gym to get her in better shape. She has a killer body, but a few illnesses in the past year have made her drop her weight down to an all time low of 121 pounds. Now that might not seem too bad, but consider that she is 5'11" tall.

When we first met she was around 145, which was killer! The problem with her losing so much weight really has to do with her severe migraine headaches that she gets. They would literally ruin her where she couldn't work, and couldn't eat. This was going on sometimes 7 days a week. We went to several doctors & they kept prescribing her this and that, and finally she came off her birth control because we got to thinking it could be a factor in causing the headaches. We also found out she has a slight case of MVP (Mitral Valve Prolapse), & it was causing anxiety which in turn, gave her migraines. Well, coming off birth control sent her hormones a little imbalanced, & the headaches got bad for a while.

But, now everything is starting to look really good. She hasn't had a headache in over 7 days now, and she has started back in the gym. She really wants to stay lean, but she wants to gain some muscle weight back like she used to have. I have her on a good diet, but I would like to know a good weight gain mixture shake that has high calories, fat, carbs & protein combined that tastes decent. She isn't going to mix her stuff up seperately like I do....I have already asked her, & she wants just one thing to make.

So does anyone have any suggestions for a really great weight gain shake? Thanks
Optimum Nutrition 100% whey chocolate or chocolate mint-delicious especially when mixed with whole milk. I am so glad that my fiancee is not interested in putting on weight she puts all of her effort into helping me gain weight.
Yeah, Optimum is good, but it doesnt have the fat & carbohydrates, plus calories that I'm looking for.

I mean, if I have to, I will buy her some of the Muscle Milk crap, or maybe some N-large 2, but that would be pushing it.

I could always customize some at the protein factory though. ?
Ok do like this.
Get some 100% whey in wich taste she likes the best (imo chokolate, strawberry sucks)
Then get some dextrose and then you mix together youre own gainer as you want, Maltodextrose (is it called this in the us?) dont taste as sweet as plane dextrose so its easyer to blend it without getting a bad/to sweet taste.
Add in some glutamine, maybe creatine if she dont hold much water on that?
Have her drink it with milk to get in some more carbs.

Good luck bro.
I've bulked my gf's up a couple times.

5g of L'Arginine 5 g' of lglutamine a day 2 multis
2 35 G whey shakes a day
Oatmeal. Pasta, Veggies, (carbs Lots of em)
40 oz of chicken a day.
1l of cholate milk
3l of water.

All she has to do is eat, She went from 98lbs up to 125 she's now 110 lean. Not a bad year just making her eat, and giving her some amminos.
huskyguy said:
Optimum Nutrition 100% whey chocolate or chocolate mint-delicious especially when mixed with whole milk. I am so glad that my fiancee is not interested in putting on weight she puts all of her effort into helping me gain weight.

Ok first that's some funny shi'ite.

As for the shake, it sounds like she wants a one-stop-shop for all the macros. ON whey is good and tastes good with several different additions. The quick and easy is to throw in (amounts are up to you) old fashiond oatmeal and whole eggs, natty PB, even some bananas. During offseason, I've added whole milk, ice cream, even granola to really bump the cals. Olive oil blends well and if you get the light flavor, you don't even notice it.

I like the Muscle Milk for short periods, it has the high fat content as well, but it's all preference.

Tell her good luck!