Weight Loss, Clenbuterol or Albuterol specifically

This is correct. Scoop up some ketotifen and run it at 1mg/day, taken at night before bed (it makes you tired). I like it because it maintains the b2 agonists effectiveness at reasonable doses.

so if i don't take keto, then i need the two weeks off. okay that makes sense. how long can i run clen cycles consecutively? i imagine not more than two or three??
The gain in tolerance is ONLY for the appetite suppression & energy effects, NOT the thermogenic effect.

Here's an awesome study showing ephedrine use over 52-54 weeks with no loss of thermogenic effect and actually an INCREASE in the effect towards the end of the study:

Enhanced thermogenic responsiveness during chronic ephedrine treatment in man.

The study also shows an increase in t4 to t3 conversion on ephedrine but, due to the feedback mechanism in place for the thyroid, this is only a temporary extra benefit that gets adjusted later on.
You're awesome Ripped. I was totally looking for a similar study, but was rushing out the door. :D

so if i don't take keto, then i need the two weeks off. okay that makes sense. how long can i run clen cycles consecutively? i imagine not more than two or three??

Yes, two weeks is about optimal. I've done 3 before, and towards the end I could tell I was getting less out of it.
You're awesome Ripped. I was totally looking for a similar study, but was rushing out the door. :D

Yes, two weeks is about optimal. I've done 3 before, and towards the end I could tell I was getting less out of it.

can i run 3 cycles over a 6 week period? or is that simply too dangerous?
ECA is a non-selective agonist, so while it can technically down regulate beta receptors (the finicky ones), it takes a very long time. Clen is a beta-2 selective agonist, so down regulation occurs pretty quickly. As ECA stimulates alpha and beta adrenergic receptors, it also makes it less "potent" when it comes to fat mobilization.

I hope that makes sense. :)

it does.. let me hijack this and pick your brain..

what about adderall?? pm me if you like
can i run 3 cycles over a 6 week period? or is that simply too dangerous?
You can if you use ketotifen. Otherwise, you'll get in two cycles of clenbuterol.

it does.. let me hijack this and pick your brain..

what about adderall?? pm me if you like

Ya know, I hadn't really thought about it to be honest, which is funny as I do take adderall (prescribed). I do know that it blocks the reuptake of monoamines, which is why it works for ADHD - but unsure if it acts on the adrenergic receptors outside the brain. I do know that I have run it with clen/ephedrine and was fine, although the epinephrine (adrenaline) output was much higher. Obviously, this isn't something I would recommend to those that are sensitive to stimulants as the shakes can be pretty intense, and elevated heart rate is a given.

From what I understand (Hopefully Ripped or someone else can provide input on this), beta 2 agonists work on the peripheral receptors, while amphetamines work solely on the ones in the brain, and are downregulated independently. I do know that adderall WILL build a tolerance over time, which is likely due to the central receptors being downregulated. Interesting question 3J, hopefully someone else has a better answer! :)
quick update: i'm almost completed with my first week of RUI products clenbuterol. I'm currently taking 100mcg, but tomorrow will take 120mcg and hold that for a few days. I've noticed a drastic loss in appetite (which i was expecting), but also what seems to be an increase in water retention. When i took my first dosage, I noticed that I was passing fluids much more quickly, but aside from the first day, it's been quite the opposite. Has anyone else experienced this? thank you all very much.