Weird knee pain during squats...


New member
Hi all,

Hoping someone can help me out. The past 3 weeks of squatting I have gotten nearly unbearable pains just above both knees. It feels like tendon/ligament pain, not really muscle pain.

It happens at the top of the movement near lockout and persists for a couple of minutes after each set.

I have tried experimenting with different stances but it doesn't seem related to stance.

I'm working a 5x5 with pretty light weight so I don't understand what the problem is...

Thanks in advance for any suggestions/advice...

can you be more specific about the location of the pain?Is it medial, or lateral?
There is a lot of shit going on in the knee during extension, especially prior to lockout, as the femur rotates to lock with the tibia.
Does it only happen under heavy loads, or is it occuring all the time?
Seems to happen around the top of the knee, not IN the knee exactly, about where the knee meets the quad, and it hurts around the front of the leg.

It seems happen regardless of load, for instance even when doing very light weight... it sometimes starts to hurt during warmups...

Heavy weight does make it hurt more...
Firstly, you should probably go and get it checked out, in case you fuck it even worse.
It could be related to the quad muscles,all four of the quads have their insertion on the top of the patella.
If it is just before lockout, perhaps you have a weakness in vastus mediallis. This muscle helps to move the patella in the final stages of knee extension.
There are some simple exercises to improve the strength of this muscle.Standing on one leg, slowly bend the knee about 15-20 degrees then straighten up again.Do it really slow and controlled
By lockout are you guys referring to locking your knees when you stand?

I never lock my knees. Always keep a slight bend in them keeping constant pressure on my quads. Am I incorrect in doing squats this way?
get it checked first of all.

Are you warming up enough, myself, say I'm squatting 405 for reps, I do:
45lbs x 10
135 x 8
225 x 5
315 x 5
then sometimes 365 x 1-2

Also, if lockout hurts, dont lock out. My lower back is killing me lately when I lock out, so I am keeping constant tension and not locking out, its brutal though
go and get it checked out before you go and do anything. Also make sure that you are doing squats correctly, with a expereince trainer. Also you can do squats in the smith machine for a few light sets just too make sure you have enough blood going into the quads. Don;t ever lock your joints out on anything you do.
Thanks for the help guys.

I guess by lockout what I should have said was 'top of the movement' as I don't actually do a hard lockout...

I'll get checked out and I'll try warming up some more.

My normal warm up is: bodyweight x 8, 135x6 185x6, and then 5x5 on whatever weight im at (250ish right now, like said light in comparison)... Oddly enough, I never ever have a hint of the pain with other leg involved exercises such as deadlifts...

Perhaps I just need a week off? I had been squatting much heavier than I do now for the past year and never had the problem. It might just be time for a break...

Btw needsize, loving the 5x5, good luck with the comp...

Thanks again...

i just got back for a physical yesterday with a similar problem i mentioned to my sports doctor. after describing the pain and demonstrating some squat movements in his office, he recomended a month of light weight reps only doing quarter depth movements and using a Petellor strap. my pain was more below the knee. he said it may be Patellar tendenitis (spelling?).