well just to drop in and say I am training with someone new


New member
I needed a change. I was not getting were I want to be and I have a friend who I ran into who I have not seen in awhile. Does the name Kathy Unger ring a bell?? Well she is on the internet in some video's, if you do a google search some videos come up. she is also on my facebook wall as of right now her physique. Go to Marilyn Carrock and take a look at Kathy if interested. She claims she has always been natural. I think is bs and bust her chops all the time. I am allowed to use her name so dont worry. What do you think? I honest since I have been getting to know her again am starting to believe it, but when I look at her younger videos on the computer I just go back to thinking Im being bullcrapped! Damn if she is natural , I wish I had those genetics. I have such a hard time believing that women can do this natural. Maybe because everything sucks for me!! I am starting to really think if it is natural its absolutely amazing!! I give the natural ones that look this good so much respect!!! So what do you think??? Ohh well just figured I would drop in and say IM alive, no crazy plans, no shake and bakes. Just hard training with Kathy. OHh and no sorry no shrinks!! I missed you all.
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Good to hear Steve. I'd give her the benefit of the doubt anyhow. So you didn't like Layne Norton or what? What are your training for? Building muscle?
Layne wrote me a diet thru the internet. He was great at the nutrition part, but I cant train over the internet, I need that push in person!! I am going for MUSCLE and I was training with Lada, the stunt women but she fucked me over big time!! So I ran into Kathy almost fell off the chair at how great she looked and then said IM IN!!! The next year is going to be my best , I can feel it in my mind.