Well, my account at EF has been suspended due to inactivity...which is kinda funny

The Terminator said:
Yeah, you have taken alot of the top members and made them mods here. :) .

I know you are talking about me....

<----- takes a bow.... and stumbles, hits his head and then gets laughted at by everyone....

BUFFDAWG10 said:
Hey Kronk, I hope you don't take offense to the EF criticism. You are one of the few good guys left over there, I just don't understand why are they chasing all the good members away just because of a membership fee.

Not really. I don't really care and I understand why some of you feel that way. I guess to me it just seems kinda a waste to talk about it all the time. If people like it here better, great. If people go to other sites, who cares. Shit I go to like 5 sites a day at least, but I only mod at two.

Thanks for the words brother.

And Cancuk, thanks bro. You are good guys. Peace and respect.
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Kronk I guess there is no way they will reinstate my account back to normal until I get my paypal account problem resolved is there?
Wartime100 said:
I am not one for bashing other boards but that place is getting fucking rediculious. They are chasing all their top members away to other boards. I think they are going overboard with all the platinum and advertisment bullshit. IMO they should stick with what got them to #1 rather than changing everthing.

huh:mad: , oh well
mvmaxx said:
Kronk helped me out over on Elite too. Big props to him, thanks bro.

No sweat brother. I got lots of respect for you.

Golfer, let me see what I can do for you. Check back on this thread later. I am trying to get with the admin now. Peace and respect to all.