what about sleep?

Regardless of being on gear or not, an athlete needs 8 consecutive hours of sleep.
7-9 is the range I have seen most often. it is assumed that if you require more sleep than this, there is a problem with your body. If you do not get 8 hours of sleep, you are not doing the best thing you can do for your body to repair and recover.
Depends on the persons genetics and also more importantly depends on HOW GOOD YOUR SLEEPING. If you're sleeping like shit at night, 8hrs may not be enough.

But, if you're sleeping for 6hrs like you're dead and nothing can wake you up, that could be enough.

Some people can get away with 6hrs of sleep and feel great, and some need more. There is no magic number for how many hours you should sleep. Just like there is no magic number as to how many glasses of water you should drink per day. It varies from person to person, no body is the same.
A good 7-8 hrs and if ya can sneak in a 45 min. nap during the day it will help in recovery.

Gator....Geaux Tigers!
I have a buddy who is a PL and on a grip of gear, he wasn't geting good sleep do to Apnea. Once he got that fixed and got 8-9 hours sleep he blew up and gained weight. Sleep is very important...
gh shot, eat lean meat, 6 hours sleep...get up, gh shot, eat some eggs, sleep another 4 hours...you'll be big in no time!
I need exactly 8 hours normally, or up to 9 when I work out hard. 10 min off and I'm a wreck for the day.
Sleep is overrated imo, and it also strongly depends on the person. Some people can actually be fine with 4 or 5 hours of sleep while others need 10 or 11. Like Swell said, the average is around 7-9. The reason I say it's overrated is simply because it's not practical for many to get 8 or 9 hours of sleep. I'm usually @ work before 6:30 and up at 5:30, however I simply cannot go to bed before 11:00pm. Look at pro's, I highly doubt that with their hectic travelling schedules that they get 8 or 9 hours sleep. No doubt you need sleep to recover and grow, but the reality is that some just can't get it and I grow fine on just 6.

What's more important is a consistent sleeping pattern which allows you to fall asleep faster and spend more time in deep sleep (the recovering sleep).

The way to test how much sleep you have is to go to sleep at whatever time and don't set your alarm. Whatever time you wake up naturally at is approximately how much sleep you need. Do this 2 or 3 times for a more accurate number.
I for one absolutely need my sleep. I had the same trainig/eating regimen with 8 hours of sleep and 6 hours. On the 8 hours I kept gaining, and on an irregular sleep pattern with 6 hours I kept losing muscle. It was very noticeable.
outlawtas2 said:
The way to test how much sleep you have is to go to sleep at whatever time and don't set your alarm. Whatever time you wake up naturally at is approximately how much sleep you need. Do this 2 or 3 times for a more accurate number.

I disagree. Our internal clock can be trained to wake at a certain time. I'll wake up at the same time whether I go to bed at 10:00pm or 1:00am. I almost never need an alarm, although I set it anyway. If need to wake 2 hours before my normal time due to an appointment I set the alarm but never hear it because I wake up first. Many people experience this even in a sleep deprived state.

I also think sleep is very important. I can be lax with my diet and still gain, but lack of sleep equals a sticking point. More sleep and gains continue.

When in doubt sleep.
sleep sucks but you have to have it. i need at least 7. 8 or 9 i feel like im in a good mood all day.. i only have about 2 to 4 hours for myself aside from work and working out.. thats not long at all when trying to learn everything.
If you want to train real hard and make good gains, I would say sleep as much and as long as you can, esp during the heavy and bulking part of your cycle and training.
yea if it is possible to get a full 8 hours and a hour nap after eating post worout meal sure this is ideal.

But then some of use we work hard too and it is very hard to keep everything even a good long sleep at night in a regime that is ideal for growth and health.

Last night I just got 5 hours, I am tired but I have to train today in the morning or I can't train at all today. I am sure many of you understand this.
i don't think sleep is over-rated...it's the time to grow...as long as you have proper nutrients. that might mean setting an alarm clock to get a snack in the middle of the night...but it'll do wonders. Doesn't need to be a big snack...just 30g protien in meat or egg form and you'll have the fuel to build the musclos!
outlawtas2 said:
Sleep is overrated imo, and it also strongly depends on the person. Some people can actually be fine with 4 or 5 hours of sleep while others need 10 or 11. Like Swell said, the average is around 7-9. The reason I say it's overrated is simply because it's not practical for many to get 8 or 9 hours of sleep. I'm usually @ work before 6:30 and up at 5:30, however I simply cannot go to bed before 11:00pm. Look at pro's, I highly doubt that with their hectic travelling schedules that they get 8 or 9 hours sleep. No doubt you need sleep to recover and grow, but the reality is that some just can't get it and I grow fine on just 6.

What's more important is a consistent sleeping pattern which allows you to fall asleep faster and spend more time in deep sleep (the recovering sleep).

The way to test how much sleep you have is to go to sleep at whatever time and don't set your alarm. Whatever time you wake up naturally at is approximately how much sleep you need. Do this 2 or 3 times for a more accurate number.
I beat you to it, but I think as most here dont read all posts and miss out on great info.

Sleep is important but to say that you'll grow more if you get 10hrs of sleep per day is exadurating. IMO Sleep is just a PART of an equation to get big, and not the answer.
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