What are some PH or stacks you've used, and what kind of results did they have!


New member
i'm pretty new to this whole PH, natural steroid, alt steroid thing so i figured id just see what everyone has to say about products they have used, and used in combination with other products, as well as the results they saw, be it positive or negative.

just post you experiences and advice

mostly looking for a product or stack of products that will help me build muscle and strength as fast and effectively as possible.

Thank you.
I did one ph cycle halo xtreme and epi got some decent gains but after that I was set on trying the real thing
I tried Halo-V with Powerdrol-10 (sold together from strongsupplements.com). It gave me some great gains and the drop off after cycle wasn't to bad - a couple of pounds and hardly any strength loss. Then I tried them separately ; 2 weeks of pd-10 then 16 days on just Halo-V. Personnally after reading everything about pd-10 and using it I find it not really worth it. It will give you great strength gains but they aren't sustainable, plus it's pretty harsh on the liver. Halo-V on the other hand is more for bulking and will give you size with nominal strength gains - BUT its after cycle drop off is only slight compared to PD-10.

These are the only two I've tried..together and seperate. There are a lot of guys on here with some great knowledge and I hope the contribute for you. Best of luck.
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Testosterone + Antaeus Labs Mechabol was a great stack. 8 weeks of pure awesome. Very lean gains. I'd suggest using some liver support like Aegis or UDCA while on.

The Forerunner labs products look great for a non-toxic alternative, too.
I've done h drol 6 weeks and also dymethazine for 4 weeks. did proper post cycle therapy (pct) for both and had pretty good results