Some clarity on trt please


New member
This is the first forum i have ever joined so please forgive if im doing it wrong as i have no idea how to post and the link on the site for instruction did not work.. Anyways on with my question...

I am 34 years old. I lifted agressivly and competed in mens pysique for several years up until 2 years ago when I moved to a place that no longer had a gym. I was a former steroid renegade and used for more then "4 years strait" only changing a few products hear and there. Prior to that I used a litte off and on since my early 20's. I would usually run 400-600mg of test e a week and change what i was stacking with between, masterone, deca, eq, anivar and winni. Sometimes id slow down but always kept 400 a week of test going minimum. I always started feeling like crap when id come off so just started using regularly. I got to a point where i was getting concerned about the legitimagy of sources and what i was injecting in myself with all these underground labs. When work made me move to a town with no gym I weened myself off and have been clean for 2 years now.

Since coming off of course my sex drive has been shit. My energy is very low, my body fat has increased by probably more then 30% and for sure have lost a good chunk of muscle. Iv been depressed and had very little motivation.

I had been tellling doctors my history but never had any investigation and was told to go on antidepressants which i rejected. Finally i convinced a new doctor to send me to get my levels checked as i was confident i was low or not even producing from my extended use maybe or maybe i was always low?

The test came back as expected but i do have some confusion..

My previous stats were 5'10"
32 years old 190lbs 4-10% bf

34 years old turning 35 in may
Still 5'10" lol
220lbs and im betting 35% bf.

Test results are as follows....canada
total test 5.8
Bio avail. 4.0
SBH. 12.1
Lutin. 2.7
Folic. Stim. 3.1
Prostate 0.48

Now my total test is way below norm ..
My bio avail is apparently on the low side of what is considered normal...
My Sbh is low as well
He tested my estrodial and though i have not seen the number he said it was within range..
He also ran all my other bloodwork and everything was in range accept my alt for my liver was a bit high at 67 with 55 being the upper limit of normal.

I will add that i have rejoined a gym a week prior to these tests and I am sore as all hell as would be expected. I still drink a few drinks 3 or 4 nights a week.

Im pretty sure i took a couple robaxacet platinum a day or two before my liver test
I also had an infection that 2 months ago that put me on anitbiotics and naproxin/aceametafin.

So a combination of any of those factors may have raised my alt as i have read alt level can be high on gym goers and when there is muscle damage.

The doc has prescribed me 50mg of test cyp every two weeks... Yes 50 every 2 weeks.. I think this is almost a joke. I was expecting or would think 200-300 a week would put me where i feel right. ???

So theres my long essay.
You have the situation, my stats , my basline and history...
Id appricate some imput from others on trt or very experienced on the subject.

TRT section brought me here too. Would you please post reference ranges along with results?
What are your specific questions?

50mg every two weeks is an awful protocol. Have you asked him to consider a higher and More frequent dose? Twice weekly injections are ideal. If he refuses I doubt the peaks and valleys of his proposed method would be much worse than your current condition. So....

You have three options:
1. Go with 50mg e2weeks and let the bloodwork prove (eventually) that the protocol is shit and get him to up the dose and try more frequent injections.
2. Get a different doctor (best option IMO)
3. Self medicate (least ideal)

120-225/wk is the range most guys are in. Get it out of your head that more is better. 300/wk isn't TRT, it's a mild cycle.

Young people who are reading this- this is what happens when you run hormones with reckless abandon: you end up on TRT.
your doc has you on essentially 3.5 mg of test per day . Wtf , a man produces twice that amount naturally . he's injecting you with low t
I think it's time for a new doc!
You can always hit IMT up here on the site.? They are a sponser here and have plenty of good references to go off of.
I have a local doc that is great (other than he doesn't test E2, I have to do that on my own. But then having to do this made me learn more about this shit which in turn brought me here, so I don't mind)
Yep, new doc!
Good luck man!
As stated above, what are the reference ranges of your test results.

Definitely find a new doc if that is a possibility. As stated above 120 to 250 mg per week is what most guys are on for a TRT dose. Your size and bodyweight typically requires close to 200 mg per week. Optimally you would want to dose that 100 mg injections twice per week.

Of course, I'm speaking in generalities. Proper blood work is the gold standard and the only real way you will know exactly where you want to be and how to get particularly dialed in.
My sbh is 12.1 normal is 20-60
My total test is 5.8 normal is 9-28
My bio avail. Is 4 normal is 3-15

Also I do think its important to remember I ran 400-600 a week for almost 5 years strait. Now I do realize it is a bit foolish not to come off. Howevere it is not a huge amount either. Most competitive guys i know are 800+ cycled. I never was a fan of using a huge amount. I took what made me feel good. I always felt like shit anytime i tried to come off. Maybe its a form of addiction maybe its what i needed. But i have been a disaster for the last 2 years being off. Non the less i have been used to being above average and would expect putting me at the higher end of the normal range would be appropriate. I know i abused it a bit before but id rather be hooked on gear and feel great then be hooked on heroin. Funny that docs have no problem dishing out methadone to them though.
Anyways.. I am curious about the low level of sbh as well as thats not good to be low on either. And why would my total test be off the chats low but bio avial still be within the lower limit? From what i understand sbh renders your bio avail useless.. Similar to estrodial ? Im no expert here and this is what im trying to understand clearer. As i understand my test should be higher then both sbh and estrodial ?
My sbh is 12.1 normal is 20-60
My total test is 5.8 normal is 9-28
My bio avail. Is 4 normal is 3-15

Also I do think its important to remember I ran 400-600 a week for almost 5 years strait. Now I do realize it is a bit foolish not to come off. Howevere it is not a huge amount either. Most competitive guys i know are 800+ cycled. I never was a fan of using a huge amount. I took what made me feel good. I always felt like shit anytime i tried to come off. Maybe its a form of addiction maybe its what i needed. But i have been a disaster for the last 2 years being off. Non the less i have been used to being above average and would expect putting me at the higher end of the normal range would be appropriate. I know i abused it a bit before but id rather be hooked on gear and feel great then be hooked on heroin. Funny that docs have no problem dishing out methadone to them though.
Anyways.. I am curious about the low level of sbh as well as thats not good to be low on either. And why would my total test be off the chats low but bio avial still be within the lower limit? From what i understand sbh renders your bio avail useless.. Similar to estrodial ? Im no expert here and this is what im trying to understand clearer. As i understand my test should be higher then both sbh and estrodial ?
I had the same issue as you, crap urologist prescribed me 50 my test cyp every two weeks. I had such a difficult time finding a doc who would even listen to my concerns about low test(250- scale of 350-1100) that I went on the protocol knowing it would make me worse, which it follow up with the Enzo my test was even lower than when I came in! The inept urologist then scratched his head and wrote me a scrip for 200 my every week! Lol! Patience paid off, since then I've taken 100 my every 3.5 days, sourced my own arimidex and Hcg, and followed a protocol recommended on this board, this place has educated me greatly! By the way, my estradiol and sbhbwas low when my test was in the tank as well, maybe that's normal.i hope being patient with your lousy doc works out for you if you go that route!
I had the same issue as you, crap urologist prescribed me 50 my test cyp every two weeks. I had such a difficult time finding a doc who would even listen to my concerns about low test(250- scale of 350-1100) that I went on the protocol knowing it would make me worse, which it follow up with the Enzo my test was even lower than when I came in! The inept urologist then scratched his head and wrote me a scrip for 200 my every week! Lol! Patience paid off, since then I've taken 100 my every 3.5 days, sourced my own arimidex and Hcg, and followed a protocol recommended on this board, this place has educated me greatly! By the way, my estradiol and sbhbwas low when my test was in the tank as well, maybe that's normal.i hope being patient with your lousy doc works out for you if you go that route!

good for you and thanks for sharing.