What are some side effects of clomid with TRT?

one way step

New member
Right now I'm on 200mg test per week with .25-.5 AI per week. My results fluctuate (I think I may be taking too much AI) but for the most part I don't have a good sex drive. I have some clomid on hand (pharmaceutical) that I can add to the equation.

What are possible side effects of adding clomid to TRT? Would it send E2 up to down?

Also what is a good starting dose?
I take 25mg per day with my trt (cyp. 100mg/wk). Doesn't seem to mess with my E2. Helps a little with testicular volume and sperm production. Side effects for me = visual disturbances in the a.m. Nest described as seeing trails. Seems to fade later in the morning.
Doc prescribed me 100mg cyp/ .5 anastrozole per week and 50mg clomid daily. On my own I decided to cut back to .25 anastrozole and 25mg clomid. So far my numbers look pretty good. Sex drive is usually high but sometimes my function is not what I would like. I take tadalifi or seldanifel during these times and that does the trick :)
Not sure any of this helps you.....just wanted to share.
Most people seem to discourage the use of clomid with test bit for me it helps some
I don't know enough to dive into details but carefully adjusting your e levels seems better than sending part of the system a different message than the rest. I believe Clomid blocks the body from seeing how high estrogen is. To create more, testoserone production is started increase By releasing LH and such.

But. Our bodies are weird and it's a complex system. It all boils down to Labs, doses and personal reports.
Appreciate the responses. LateStart is the clomid addition to your TRT a consistent feel, or does it fluctuate? My issue with TRT is usually a lack of consistency; one week I could have a great sex drive and the next it'll be almost nonexistent.

Hoping clomid could at least help fix that. How long into adding clomid did you notice results?

I suspect that my E2 may be low right now due to my AI. Should I wait until it goes up before starting clomid?
Clomid addition worked for me within the first week. By "worked for me" I mean testicular volume and ........not to be gross but increased volume of ejaculate. Sexual function seems consistent both with or without it if my estro is in check. Arimidex for that. I've never tried hcg but my understanding is that it is much more effective than clomid.....it just does nothing for your fsh and lh, since the hcg mimics the effect of those. Again, I'm not real sure on hcg.
Clomid worked for me both on trt and before trt. Admittedly it worked MUCH better before trt but still has some effectiveness along with trt.
I take my dose daily. I occasionally miss a dose and this doesn't seem to be a problem as it builds in your system and has a long enough half life
In reference to your sex drive.....are you referring to desire or performance?
Assuming you mean desire. Someone on here should be able to shed more light on that issue.
Performance was a simple fix for me.....viagra or cialis as needed and I'm in the game better than ever :)
Viagra provides me with help for the day and cialis lasts 2 to 3 days for me.
Clomid addition worked for me within the first week. By "worked for me" I mean testicular volume and ........not to be gross but increased volume of ejaculate. Sexual function seems consistent both with or without it if my estro is in check. Arimidex for that. I've never tried hcg but my understanding is that it is much more effective than clomid.....it just does nothing for your fsh and lh, since the hcg mimics the effect of those. Again, I'm not real sure on hcg.
Clomid worked for me both on trt and before trt. Admittedly it worked MUCH better before trt but still has some effectiveness along with trt.
I take my dose daily. I occasionally miss a dose and this doesn't seem to be a problem as it builds in your system and has a long enough half life

Thanks for the info. I think I am going to give clomid another try. I may wait another week to let my E2 bounce back up. I think I will start with 25mg per day as well.
In reference to your sex drive.....are you referring to desire or performance?
Assuming you mean desire. Someone on here should be able to shed more light on that issue.
Performance was a simple fix for me.....viagra or cialis as needed and I'm in the game better than ever :)
Viagra provides me with help for the day and cialis lasts 2 to 3 days for me.

Desire. My sex drive is so inconsistent. One week it's great, one week it sucks. When it sucks the desire isn't there and even viagra/cialis won't help.
You should get a simple blood test to sort out your E2 level, that would be a better approach than just adding another chemical without knowing if E2 is an issue or not.
Why add clomid? Just sex drive related? Have no clue where e2 is?

LABS guys... please get them if you are having abnormal symptoms while on tx
The goals of adding clomid would be 1) improve testicular size/reduce athrophy and 2) boost sex drive.

Here is blood work from when I was doing 200mg test cyp per week with .25mg arimidex;

Test: 642 ng/dl (range 348-1197)
Estradiol: 31.6 pg/mL (range 7.6-42.6)
Estrone, Serum: 84 pg/mL (range 12-72) high

I tried to up my dose of arimidex to .5mg per week but that seems to send my E2 too low (or kills my sex drive some other way). The goal of clomid would be too also try to keep estradiol in check.
It seems "against the grain" to take a drug that blocks estrogens activity on receptors to help sex drive when lowering estrogen levels hurts it for you. BUT I immediately think about my time on a epilepsy drug leveteracitam. I developed sore nipples and my gyno for bigger. Not a single doctor anywhere would believe it. Straight out "it doesn't have that side effect". It tool me participating in a study of epilepsy in veterans at the VA for its lead doc to look at me and as "Really?". I told yeah. Look at my mammograms and ultrasounds. He came back a day or so later since I was on a long term EEG. We talked again, he asked my how it compared to other drugs and in the end said he was going to make a note of it as a witnessed side effect.

Our bodies are complex and sometimes don't act like the majority of other bodies. Your experience is your experience but labs and dosages give everyone the data and numbers.

I know a guy who can drink beer all day camping. Get wasted drunk if he water. But wine, hard booze or even mixed drinks causes that red rashy skin people "allergic" to alcohol get.

Keep posting about your dosages, labs, sex drive and even ejaculate volume, color and distance of travel upon release . . . Haha . . . It's all relevant.
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It seems "against the grain" to take a drug that blocks estrogens activity on receptors to help sex drive when lowering estrogen levels hurts it for you. BUT I immediately think about my time on a epilepsy drug leveteracitam. I developed sore nipples and my gyno for bigger. Not a single doctor anywhere would believe it. Straight out "it doesn't have that side effect". It tool me participating in a study of epilepsy in veterans at the VA for its lead doc to look at me and as "Really?". I told yeah. Look at my mammograms and ultrasounds. He came back a day or so later since I was on a long term EEG. We talked again, he asked my how it compared to other drugs and in the end said he was going to make a note of it as a witnessed side effect.

Our bodies are complex and sometimes don't act like the majority of other bodies. Your experience is your experience but labs and dosages give everyone the data and numbers.

I know a guy who can drink beer all day camping. Get wasted drunk if he water. But wine, hard booze or even mixed drinks causes that red rashy skin people "allergic" to alcohol get.

Keep posting about your dosages, labs, sex drive and even ejaculate volume, color and distance of travel upon release . . . Haha . . . It's all relevant.

Extremely well said sir. I am happy to be on here.......a place where we talk about the science behind things and even discuss personal experiences which may seem to be against the logic. On THIS site.....truly every single detail is relevant and may help someone else. I am glad so many people share their stories
Extremely well said sir. I am happy to be on here.......a place where we talk about the science behind things and even discuss personal experiences which may seem to be against the logic. On THIS site.....truly every single detail is relevant and may help someone else. I am glad so many people share their stories
Totally agree buddy, its a solid muscle institution, a great place to learn.
Would too much clomid cause E2 to drop significantly? From the way my endo explained clomid to me, clomid works to almost "trick" the brain into thinking there is no estradiol in the body, thus increasing FSH and LH production.

Would 25mg per day be a good starting dose, as LateStart runs in his routine? Or is starting lower/higher a better idea?