What Are The Health Risks?


New member
I know most of you are probably not doctors and there are most likely a lot of factors that could potentially go into this but I just want to hear what most of you guys think on this. Part of what makes me never even want to consider AAS use in my entire life is the fact that it spikes blood pressure and can cause heart issues I don't want to have a heart attack when I am 60 years old because in my opinion that is too young my grandma is in her 70's and she is still in good health I do not want to do something that could potentially cause me to check out way too early. I know that certain youtube sensations like zyzz,gregg plitt didn't die from AAS use zyzz had a heart defect and plitt got hit by a train and I know that Arnold Swarzanegger is still alive today despite his usage of AAS. However arnold is rich and probably has a doctor assisting him through his journey and us normal people don't have that luxury. I know that with anything you do in life there are risks involved with sex you can get aids, accidental pregnancy, rape, or when you get on a plane there is a risk of it crashing. With anything you do in life you have to take risks and properly manage those risks. So to properly manage the risk of AAS use one would have to not abuse and take proper dosage and get from a reliable source right? However I am still worried that when I am 55-60 years old serious health problems will come about and I will think back to when I made the stupid decision to put a needle in my butt and now I am going to die 10-15 years to early.
If you're not smart enough to sift through the bullshit and realize what the risks actually are instead of what they are professed to be from the naysayers, it's best you stay away from AAS.

The big risks come from never ending cycles(blasts) and not getting blood work done periodically. Most high blood pressure issues can be traced to high estrogen levels. Oral steroids are extremely hard on the liver and kidneys, so you need to limit their use.

The ironic thing is that fast food restaurants kill more people than steroids, yet they aren't regulated nearly as much
I haven't been around lately so sorry if I missed something. So... you joined a steroid forum to inform us you never wish to take steroids?

If that was an invitation for us to convince you to take aas, I'll pass. There are enough misinformed, under educated(concerning aas use) people taking them.
If you're not smart enough to sift through the bullshit and realize what the risks actually are instead of what they are professed to be from the naysayers, it's best you stay away from AAS.

The big risks come from never ending cycles(blasts) and not getting blood work done periodically. Most high blood pressure issues can be traced to high estrogen levels. Oral steroids are extremely hard on the liver and kidneys, so you need to limit their use.

The ironic thing is that fast food restaurants kill more people than steroids, yet they aren't regulated nearly as much
so if you get your blood work done and stick with injections your kidneys and liver will remain in good shape? Also don't drugs like trenbolone increase estrogen? You guys are correct I am currently somewhat misinformed and I would like to become informed so that I can make a well educated decision of whether or not to consider AAS.
If you're not smart enough to sift through the bullshit and realize what the risks actually are instead of what they are professed to be from the naysayers, it's best you stay away from AAS.

The big risks come from never ending cycles(blasts) and not getting blood work done periodically. Most high blood pressure issues can be traced to high estrogen levels. Oral steroids are extremely hard on the liver and kidneys, so you need to limit their use.

The ironic thing is that fast food restaurants kill more people than steroids, yet they aren't regulated nearly as much
Oh I'm sorry and I also meant to ask is a blast when you just refuse to cycle off? and you are permanently on? so in order to do it safely you would do one cycle and then go off on pct and stay off for how long exactly? sorry I am still new to this
I encourage you to keep reading, and learn as much as possible. You're taking a good first step by asking questions, but I encourage you to do a good deal more homework before even considering putting ANYTHING in your body.

I do want to comment on your question regarding heart risks though. There's ONE legitimate risk from AAS use that is not preventable; left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), also known as an enlarged heart. Of course smoking or working in a lower oxygen environment can cause this too, but it is a real risk that needs to be accepted.

Otherwise, heart disease is the number one killer in the world. You can eat perfect, exercise properly, abstain from drugs and alcohol, and STILL have a heart attack at 50. Of course, living a healthy lifestyle will help reduce this risk, but statistically, you have a 30%greater risk of dying from heart disease just because you're male.

Food for thought. ;)

My .02c :)
so if you get your blood work done and stick with injections your kidneys and liver will remain in good shape? Also don't drugs like trenbolone increase estrogen? You guys are correct I am currently somewhat misinformed and I would like to become informed so that I can make a well educated decision of whether or not to consider AAS.

Some steroids aromatize and some don't. Blood work in and of itself doesn't keep your organs healthy. I'm saying getting periodic bloodwork alerts oneself to forthcoming health issues before they get too serious.
This is a really good thread!! It's too bad more guys (newcomers) aren't as cautious as our friend here. Yeah, you have a lot to learn, but your in the right place for that anabolicgoat. Keep soaking up the knowledge, keep asking questions & how old are u btw? Well by the age of 25 or so hopefully you should be ready to give a class on AAS whether or not you decide to use them by then.
Welcome to Ology!!