What are your PCT BLUES remedies?


Green Boots
Hey!!! Im going to be coming off a 20 week cycle of Test E @ 500mg a week. It has been great. Im running clomid 50mg ed and tamox 20mg ed for a couple of weeks.I am expecting a managable amount of PCT Blues, but im looking to optimize this as I dont want to get snippy with family friends and co-workers... or over think like a lady on her menstrual cycle.

1)Besides regular exercise what natural things can I do?
2)What natural products can I take?
3)Any other suggestions as far as limiting PCT BLUES?

All the Best
First of all, couple of weeks of PCT is not enough....I would stay a minimum of 4 weeks. You may want to do some reading around just to have an idea on how that works. As far as the Blues go, everyone is different. For some it is hard and for some it is a breeze. Good news is that, it don't last long. I would keep training just like you are and up my calorie intake. Good luck !!
Having some Cialis or Viagra on hand is always a good idea.... Keep the lady or ladies happy.

or some mt2 and get the tan thrumming too.... that was a long cycle start it at 100 and 40
when i run 20weekers i go
clom 100/100/50/25/maybe 25 more same with
tamox 40/40/50/25/.... ull crash but you bounce back pretty quick keep working out and get ur endorphines up ... gl
I use 60mg of Zinc and some DAA supplements too (as well as the SERMS). Also increasing your calories during recovery helps maintain mass and strength, which I feel alleviates the post cycle bummer of having to use a lighter weight in the gym. Just my .02....back to my hole.
Thanks. I will run a 4 week PCT. TWOLIP thanks for the numbers. Ill give it a shot at a higher dose... it was a longer cylce. I was not using them so much to bulk up, but rather maintain as I hammered my body hard with alot of long endurance and HIIT. Just wanted to recover quicker.

I think increased calories is a great idea. nothing better than pleasing your dopamine receptors to make you feel good!

Thanks Angry Johnny Ill get some zinc and DAA Sups.

A supplement like L-Tryptophan would help with mood.

Alternatively, something stronger like a Dopamine Agonist would definitely help.
I use a product called sleep walker from red dawn you can find it on eBay Big time mood enhancement and energy don't let the name fool you. Love this stuff pct or when I'm in a slump
This is a very good question,,just sayin'. there is obviously plenty of dumbass choices you could make to kill the "blues". Take it from me: dont!! Listen to these guys bro..
Im mid way through week 3.
Nolva 40 40 20 20
Clomid 100 100 50 50.
Cialis 10mg
As suggested I dosed higher for the first two weeks as I did a longer cycle.

Mood: I havent noticed too much, except at the end of the day when energy levels are lower. I notice my desire to be social at the end of the day to be lacking.

Physiology: Huge lack of sexual desire. Oh how I miss being able to get hard and finish 5 times a day. HAH Oh well. Also I started to drop some water weight. Im down 5 pounds. Which is good. Im excited to get down to 180 and im currently at 190.
To reiterate, I was not doing this cycle to bulk up for a contest. I was using this for athletic reasons. I wanted to train longer and harder than normal and recover faster.
Try running Mk-2866 (Ostarine)...
I hear it's really good to run on PCT and off or between cycles. Research it first because I don't have all the facts.
Maybe someone can chime in here and add some thoughts because I'm also interested...
Bali Kratom works wonders for me...my wife approved a special Kratom fund to keep me in stock, just to say how much it improves me. Underground Supps is a sponsor and they sell it - 20% off right now I think too with the code ology20.
Try running Mk-2866 (Ostarine)...
I hear it's really good to run on PCT and off or between cycles. Research it first because I don't have all the facts.
Maybe someone can chime in here and add some thoughts because I'm also interested...

Definitely do NOT run Osta during PCT. Or any SARM. They are suppressive and can fuck up your PCT. Some people do it, and have gotten away with it... But why take the risk of a failed recovery?