what can I expect from cutting on 750mg Test E?


I am banned!

if I cut while on a 10 week cycle of 750mg Test E

what will happen?

will I build muscle+lose fat at the same time??
Id say its pretty hard to gain muscle while in any type of caloric deficit , however the test will help you maintian muscle and strength while cutting .
Id say its pretty hard to gain muscle while in any type of caloric deficit , however the test will help you maintian muscle and strength while cutting .

so you are saying that cutting on 750mg Test E is the same as cutting natty??
its very hard to make muscle when you are losing weight . very very hard . Especially if you have been training for along time . If you have been training and at this for 6+ years steadily , id say ur lucky to make and keep 5-8lb of lean muscle a year max . More than 5lb even with gear - lucky . So making muscle while in a deficit and cutting , very hard man .
The gear will help you to maintain fullness , strength and help with going catabolic , so you wont lose muscle while cutting . This will also be depending on your stats as well however . So if this is one of your first few cycles , then maybe u can put on some size while cutting . Still hard . But if you have your foot in the door with aas and have a few under the belt , itll be much harder
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if you take gear and work out every day you will get bigger no matter what, even on a standard diet. how much muscle will you gain? that part is up to you.
500mgs is more than enough to get you what youre looking for

and probably has a lot more potential than you are ready to live up to

get familiar with your tdee & then get a diet plan together for starters