What could the cause of this be?


The 'Ology Man Whore
From this last cycle I ran, I had no ball shrinkage. What so ever, (that I could notice), But ever since my baby episode I've been using condoms ever since.... But since then I got bored an decided to have a little "alone time" with myself... And my cumm was completely clear. Like for the past week my shit has been clear every single time. LOL

This is something new to me, didnt know if it was cause of the cycle. Or if its cause of pct... i really dont know.
You're shooting prostate fluid, if its completely clear. Its what helps lubricate the sperm. So.. sounds like you're not producing sperm.. to me. But im no docotr. Tell your doc about it and see what he thinks, or she.. if you're lucky ;)
You're shooting prostate fluid, if its completely clear. Its what helps lubricate the sperm. So.. sounds like you're not producing sperm.. to me. But im no docotr. Tell your doc about it and see what he thinks, or she.. if you're lucky ;)

this would be a godsend for Tony... we don't need any more drunken pregnant buffalos!!
Hana that'll teach me to not read the forums while I'm in a tree stand. I think I just scared all the deer away, laughing so hard.
Tony, have you ever seen a squirrel waiting in front of your door?

i bet the answer would : NO.

the reason is : your nuts are not mature enough.
lmao assholes hahahaha! I guess ill talk to the doctor. and it all started up before i ended my cycle an started pct... so idk