What determines how fast someone puts on muscle naturally??


New member
This has been bothering me a ton.. Can't find much on it either... What in the world determines why some people simply put on muscle way faster than others?? Obviously genetics but what in the genetic makeup actually causes this? Are those genetic freaks just at higher test levels naturally? I mean if two people have amazing diets and routines a lot of the time one will progress a LOT faster? What the hell causes this other than testosterone levels?? Or is that all it is? To add onto this theory why is it that you can take a hard/slow gainer and pump them with test they will blow up a lot of the time? Is there anything more to naturally fast gainers other than having high test levels naturally? I'm not talking about muscle shape or frame at all so disregard that.. Simply hypertrophy/strength gains.
if someone has a genetic myostatin deficiency, they can put a ton of more muscle on then someone who does not. thats just one of many things in the 'genetics' that play a role.
I'm willing to wager that the VAST majority of folks that cry "hard gainer" have little concept as to what a truly optimal diet and training regimen is like. I have met maybe a handful of guys that truly are gifted genetically, and I'm talking folks that had never lifted a barbell in their life - to lay down and rep out 315lbs like they were born to do it.

In my opinion, the TRUE difference is tendon and ligament density. Average guys are ultimately limited by these, as injuries WILL happen to almost everyone that takes up the lifestyle. I see young guys that want to take short cuts, and develop pec tears, blown elbow tendons, rotator tears, and many other injuries that happen when muscle strength exceeds connective tissue strength.

This is why it's more important to build up SLOWLY and develop a strong base. AAS compounds this problem as it not only facilitates faster LMM growth, but also weakens those connective tissues. Add to that untrained tendons/ligaments/joints? Disaster will be imminent.

I know this isn't really the answer you were looking for, but there seems to be a pretty common theme to some of these recent threads. I want to stress that while the HPTA is a very valid reason for concern, use of AAS (especially with young guys) has many other risks that we don't particularly think about.

My .02c :)
I always thought I ate well and put decent size on til I started working with 3J and realized holy shit I dont eat near enough. I am by no means gifted with genetics but get the nutrition on point and training and watch yourself transform.
if someone has a genetic myostatin deficiency, they can put a ton of more muscle on then someone who does not. thats just one of many things in the 'genetics' that play a role.

Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy is a rare condition characterized by reduced body fat and increased muscle size. Affected individuals have up to twice the usual amount of muscle mass in their bodies. They also tend to have increased muscle strength. Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy is not known to cause any medical problems, and affected individuals are intellectually normal.

It must be terrible to be born with this condition. lol
here is an example about genetics to put it in perspective, that no hard work in the gym or diet is ever gonna help you enough to overcome genetics.

If I have an 11" dick and you have a 4" dick, too bad for you. that's just the 'genetic' cards you were dealt,, there's nothing you can do to change that, no hard work, no nothing. You'll have to do the best with what you got.

that's life, do the best with what YOU were dealt. forget about everyone else.
There are a number of things that will determine how fast someone will gain muscle. Genetics being the number one deciding factor. Genetics is a blanket term though. When we talk about genetics we are talking about metabolism, amount of myostatin one has, thickness of the fascia, ones digestive system, all of those types of things, even someone who was blessed with being able to have amazing sleeps at night is going to most likely grow faster than someone who sleeps like shit. The number two thing after genetic are training and diet. Both being just as important as the other as far as Im concerned. If either one of those is shit, you will have shit results and growth will be slow. Further down the line is AAS, and of course someone who is on AAS is going to grow faster then someone who is not.

Genetically I , at 51 still have to force feed as I have the metabolism of an 11 yr old cheerleader. And I ll readily admit w/o AAS , and given my European upbringing of eat till ur not hungry not stuffed, am unable to maintain my favorite weight of 205-210 as it would recquire more food, and I spend a lot of cash on food. Even though I cook 8 of 10 meal s it s still costs.
w o force feeding and trt w lil blasts I d be 180-185 in 2 months...fairley lean but not as I want to be. Over 210, w 32 pd s gear at work...that s load limit for knee s and back.

U take what god gave you add training your ass off, proper food ( both amount and QUALITY) and until your either platoued or.....old...then use, not abuse gear...I m h o.
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