What do you guys do in your spare time?


Just curious as to what some of you guys do in your spare time when not eating and lifting. I feel like a decent sized portion of my life is devoted to nutrition and training, and when I'm single I find myself scouring forums and sitting on the computer or watching a lot of TV, as I don't go out a whole lot on weekdays, and try to stay relatively close to home so that I can get my meals every 3 hours or so. Been harder for me to maintain a real stable social life as the majority of my friends in their mid-20's are getting shitfaced every night and I'm running gear half the time or trying to cut the other half the time and probably only drink once a week at most. What do you guys do to kill time when not in the gym?
i work in my vegetable garden.

i'll eat what i grow up... Damn... it mean than when i don't eat, i think about.

eat and die.
Think about gear, lifting, eating, gear, lifting, eating, gear, lifting, eating, now banging the wifee, gear, lifting, eating, now the next inj.
for me its ALL about lifting, getting my diet spot on, this forum has helped a great deal in that respect made so much difference to my gains its unbelievable i tend to hold alot of fat around my mid-section but now it is melting away!!! ching ching

but when I'm not living the life I like to go Carp fishing when the weather is good (rare in the UK) or maybe go out with my mates which is OK but i dont drink at all so can get boring when they are all off their faces!
I have a 2 year old I don't get free time.

2 year olds are the best. They just want to help you with everything and are so enthusiastic about life. I wish I had the imagination and energy of a 2 year old. They grow up fast, so enjoy your little buddy while it lasts. Up until about age 7-8 they think you are a god, then all the sudden they know more than you.
ride my motorcycle
Going out to the track, or just riding some of the mountain roads near by gives me a rush and a satisfied feeling after, much like working out and sex;).

Spending time with family and friends is always good as well.
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school, work, train, play out with the band i play with (mostly out of town), play/watch basketball, gamefishing, running, writing, reading..

school, work, train, play out with the band i play with (mostly out of town), play/watch basketball, gamefishing, running, writing, reading..

let me see...awwww......thats all i do if not in school, eat and lift. i found out that i cant have a girl friend when lifting its just too much
The best advice I can give you is to take a walk in the woods at any time of day. I bet you would feel much closer to providence; much closer infact, than in a crowded Church.
toke up, its like taking a trip without leaving your house....well sorta, and food tastes better too.