What do you think about this diet


New member
6am: Protien shake
7am: 4 cups of portage
10am: Protien drink
11am: 97% fat free muslie bar and a Banana
1pm: 300grams of chicken breast on 2pcs mulitgran breed
2pm: Protien drink
4pm 2 bananas
6pm: Rump steak or ( chicken breast) and 6 veg
9pm: 99% fat free yoghurt and 2 protien drinks

Any feed back would be great
Yeah, seems like your wanting to shed too much with this, whats your weight dude?

I have a minimum of 8 eggwhites each morning, I dont see much protein in your diet other then a couple shakes..
(I eat 6 different vegetables per night.) My weight is 109kgs. and im trying to put on more weight. What are you suggestions.
Arnold2004: I'm glad to see that you are checking out your diet over in this forum. Many guys in the anabolic forum think they are already know how to eat, and they refuse to post over here.

Your diet is very similar to the diet that I am on right now. But, I'm a small guy and I'm still learning how to eat. I think your diet looks pretty good, but if you aren't gaining weight, then that means you need to increase the calories, as crazy as that might seem. It really is hard to eat clean and eat a ton of calories without feeling like that are being excessive....but maybe excessive is what we need to grow.

I wish I could give better advise, but I'm still trying to figure out how to make those maximum gains in muscle with minimal gains in fat. I'm not going to claim to know if all when I don't know it all.
what is your weight and bf%? your diet should be based around that b/c if you dont have enough carbs in your diet you will lose alot of strenght and muscle, i doubt that is what you want. Take it from me, i learned the hard way. A few yrs ago i went on a diet for teh summer to get my abs popping out. I was 185lbs and was getting 250+ protein and about 50g carbs and less than 20g fat. I got the abs, but lost WAY too much size and my bench went down about 50lbs!
bro, if your trying to put on weight, eat more!!! Throw some PBJ's in there, some tuna, some whole wheat bread, lots of salad, more veggies etc...If your cutting, I'd say drop all the shakes- have one after your workout, eat more salad, tuna and chicken breast.
There are 3 scoops in each protien drink.

Iam 109kgs and about 12%bf, if any one can give me advice on what extra things i can eat to put on size would be good, change what im eating or when im eating? or any comments would be great.
For the rest of us, 109 kilograms = 240.303866 pounds.

Wow, that's some nice size.

I think your getting enough protein, so maybe now you just need more food, preferably in the form of carbs. I know it is hard to add back those carbs after you are used to eating so damn nice and clean, but you gotta do what'cha gotta do to gain weight. I'm thinking potatoes, sandwiches... that sort of thing.
Thanks for you help. I try and eat alot through the day on top of my planed diet. I try and have a snack every 1-2 hrs to keep my food levels up and the same reasom i consume so many protien shakes to keep my protien level up at all times. i try to do whatever it takes.
Arnold2004 said:
if any one can give me advice on what extra things i can eat to put on size would be good, change what im eating or when im eating?

IMO your relying too much on protein shakes and need to add some more whole food's into your diet.

Here's some more whole foods that you can add into your diet....

White fish
Lean beef
Lean turkey
Cottage cheese

Kidney beans
Black beans
Bran cereals
Brown rice
Red potatoes


Fish oil
Flax oil
Olive oil
Peanut butter
Egg yolks

Try to eat a meal at least every three hours to prevent catabolism.
I wont lie, I think that diet is horrible. Way to many supps, replace all but 2 with whole food. Just a few suggestions...Make your last meal a solid protein meal, include a little fat and some leafy greens. Maybe lean ground beef and a sizeable salad. For breakfast, hit up some carbs hard. I dont even mind some simple sugars in the morning, up to you. Whats up with your appitite from 2-6? Your looking to add mass right? Visit the meat section of the grocery store and add some healthy fats and complex carbs in there. For example, the 2 bananas would be a nice dessret AFTER a solid meal. Just my 2.
Dougoefre5h is spot on and you need to eat more, think about the concept of constantly eating--at first the amount of food consumed seems overwhelming but it really works. When I am bulking one meal basically flows into the next, also if you are not lactose intolerant drink a lot of milk.