What do you think of these growth hormone levels?

one way step

New member
Got blood work done by my endo last week. This was 8 days after an injection of 200mg testosterone (its 8 days because I waited an extra day for my shot so I can get AM results).

Bioavailable Testosterone w/o SHBG: 599 (range 348-1197)
Testosterone, Serum: 663 (range 348-1197)
IFG-1 (Insulin Like Growth Factor I): 289 HIGH (Range 98-282)
Growth Hormone, Serum: 0.2 (Range 0.0-10.0)
Triiodothyronine, Free, Serum: 3.8 (range 2.00-4.4)

My doctor forgot to test E2 even though I asked to him to.

Anyway, with the bolded GH serum figure so low on this range, would I be a qualified applicant to try to get prescription HGH? My doctor's secretary told me that my levels were "good" but it is something I can ask my doctor to push for with my insurance carrier?

I'm very unknowledgable on HGH.
What's interesting to me is that your IGF levels are good despite low GH...I would think that it might be tricky to justify a GH rx in that situation
Got blood work done by my endo last week. This was 8 days after an injection of 200mg testosterone (its 8 days because I waited an extra day for my shot so I can get AM results).

Bioavailable Testosterone w/o SHBG: 599 (range 348-1197)
Testosterone, Serum: 663 (range 348-1197)
IFG-1 (Insulin Like Growth Factor I): 289 HIGH (Range 98-282)
Growth Hormone, Serum: 0.2 (Range 0.0-10.0)
Triiodothyronine, Free, Serum: 3.8 (range 2.00-4.4)

My doctor forgot to test E2 even though I asked to him to.

Anyway, with the bolded GH serum figure so low on this range, would I be a qualified applicant to try to get prescription HGH? My doctor's secretary told me that my levels were "good" but it is something I can ask my doctor to push for with my insurance carrier?

I'm very unknowledgable on HGH.

GH fluctuates during the day, because it is manufactured only occasionally. However Igf-1 is at a steady value all day. So a low GH reading does not mean you are low. It just means that it is not being put into your body at that moment. In other words IGF-1 is used by doctors to evaluate you GH levels. Your GH levels are at max and I hate to tell you, but you do not qualify for GH injections. It is true that your numbers are good as the nurse told you. I hope this helps. (I went thru this exact thing with my Doctor). Your doc will get in deep shit if he over medicates you with GH>
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I also got bloodwork from my regular doctor at the same exact time I got this bloodwork done. He did a general test for most things you can test for and I also asked him to check my test and e2 levels.

Here were some levels from that blood work (like I said this is the same date/time as the one above)
IGF-1 (BL): 245 (Range 155-432, mean 289)
Testosterone, Serum: 651 (Range 348-1197)
Free Testosterone: 21.5 (range 9.3-26.5)
Dihydrotestosterone: 37 (Range 30-85)
Prolactin: 6.3 (range 4.0-15.2)
Estradiol: 10.4 (range 7.6-42.6)
IGF-BP3: 3892 (range 2683-6127)
Sex Hormone Binding Glob: 11.9 LOW (range 16.5 -55.9)

As you can see, the numbers are similar to what I got above. However, this one shows I have low SHBG. Should I be concerned? What exactly does that mean?
Half ape you are on HGH correct? How were you able to get it from your doctor?

My doctor would not give it to me when I was 200 and above. So when I took the first test I was just over 200. At that time I was taking L arginine which is supposed to increase HGH, according to some studies. Months later when I was off L arginine I retested and came in at 150. Now that I was "deficient" at 150, I was given Somatropin. Hope this helps.
I also got bloodwork from my regular doctor at the same exact time I got this bloodwork done. He did a general test for most things you can test for and I also asked him to check my test and e2 levels.

Here were some levels from that blood work (like I said this is the same date/time as the one above)
IGF-1 (BL): 245 (Range 155-432, mean 289)
Testosterone, Serum: 651 (Range 348-1197)
Free Testosterone: 21.5 (range 9.3-26.5)
Dihydrotestosterone: 37 (Range 30-85)
Prolactin: 6.3 (range 4.0-15.2)
Estradiol: 10.4 (range 7.6-42.6)
IGF-BP3: 3892 (range 2683-6127)
Sex Hormone Binding Glob: 11.9 LOW (range 16.5 -55.9)

As you can see, the numbers are similar to what I got above. However, this one shows I have low SHBG. Should I be concerned? What exactly does that mean?

This is not exactly what you are looking for, but might give you a reason to have a healthy lifestyle:
"Insulin resistance, even without obesity, results in lower SHBG levels. This is associated with increased intra-abdominal fat deposition and an unfavorable cardiovascular risk profile. In postmenopausal women, it may also predict the future development of type 2 diabetes mellitus." This does not mean you will get diabetes, it just means that many with low SHBG become diabetic. Have you had a A1C blood test to check for diabetes? Wouldn't hurt.
Low SHBG is also associated with elevated triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein (LDL), so you could get a Lupid Profile if you really want to investigate the low SHBG numbers. You will probably live forever, but if your curious, you can dig deeper, although you're probably safe.

In the end, it's probably just the result of taking androgens, which also lower SHBG.
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Exogenous testosterone (TRT) and aromatase inhibitors decrease SHBG. I wouldn't worry unless you start noticing issues, or have a thyroid issue.