What do you think of this cycle...?


I'd like to hear what some of you experienced guys think about this cycle. I'm new to the world of AAS, most of what I've learned has been from reading this forum and good old fashioned research...

Everything that I need for this cycle I already have, just waiting for December to start.

1-14 Test-E 500mg/week
1-4 Dbol 30mg/day
12-16 Oral Tren 100mg/day
1-20 Aromasin 12.5mg/EOD

Start post cycle therapy (pct) on week 16 (two weeks after last shot)

16-20 Aromasin 25mg/day
16-20 Clomid 100/50/50/50

I plan on staying on the Aromasin (liquid stane) at a small dose throughout the cycle and then increasing the dose during post cycle. I think that clomid will work well for me considering that I'm using a small dose of tren (I know that nolva and tren don't mix).

So let me know what you guys think...