B.S. , egg yolks have been proven to not affect over all cholestoral levels when consumed, and have been infact shown to reduce Chol. levels. and that fat in eggs is not bad, 1.5g of sat fat is not bad per 5grams.
Avocados are great at bringing high LDL cholesterol and triglycerides down with its high monounsaturated fat content, and beta sitosterol.
I understand that saturated fat is generally something to be more worried about than dietary cholesterol, but everything in moderation. Higher amounts of dietary cholesterol may not be as bad as once thought, but thats no reason to purposely consume m
ore cholesterol, or not keep track of it. And since this is a steroid forum, assuming that most of us have taken gear, are on gear, or plan to take gear; we should be more careful with our dietary cholesterol consumption, and dietary intake of saturated fat.
over all blood cholesterol is irrelevent as long as LDL and HDL levels are are at the appropriate ratio from each other.
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) recommends to consume fewer than 300 mg of cholesterol per day, and no more than 4 yolks per week. The American Heart Association says one could eat an egg per day as long as they have a healthy diet. But as bodybuilders, how many of us that consume wholes eggs are really going to eat just one? Our bodies generally produces the cholesterol it needs and cholesterol added in the diet imo should be limited.
the USDA says we need to eat 60-70% carbs too.
so egg yolk fat is bad, but these are all good. avocado have as much sat fat as eggs. meat?? i assume red meat here, beef infact right? not high in sat fat? the only fat that one needs to avoid is man made transfats. all the rest are perfectly fine. esp for the natural lifters. sat fat directly effect natty test levels.
I said avocado since it has 0 cholesterol, and it is very high in fiber. Just a little more saturated fat in a California fruit than a large egg, and has a ton more monounsaturated fat than saturated. And don't forget beta sitosterol.
I was referring to trimmed lean red meat which can have 1 gram of total fat, less than 1 gram of saturated fat, under 20mg cholesterol, 9 grams of protein per ounce. I would rather have those ratio's than what I would get out of a whole egg.