What good is prohormones time waste or great

So I have heard and I quote (prohormones provide minimal gains with sides, just go with test).. What are some of your opinions

Test is king is said many times for good reason. I avoid orals as it is, why take proh when most are even more toxic? there are many safter injects and i see no reson to us eorals really, or atleast minimal amount. focus on good lay out of inject cycle, even just test alone is awesome.
so i guess im saying pretty much; screw 90% of the proh's out there lol
Prohormones are derivatives of already ILLEGAL steroids for example Halodrol is modified Turinabol , Methylstenbolone is modified Stenbolone , Superdrol is modified Masteron , the list goes on

I was about to say you are wrong about the bold... but you are right , it is modified masteron for oral use. its basicly EXACTLY like mast, but with 17aa alteration to make it orally effective.. so super drom actuall IS NOT a pro-h it IS an AAS, but was sold as a proh many years.. superdrol is one of the only few i would even bother to use.
J. Porkchop I have heard very similar opinions across the board, I have been kinda thinking injectables are the way to go (many, many years of combined experience from the body building community cant be wrong). The only problem is availability. Getting trstosterone isnt so easy. Atleast for me.
If Ph's are altered AAS, ex. halodrol is tbol etc, why do people bitch when running oral only cycles when running a cycle of ph's is the same thing almost?
focus on good lay out of inject cycle, even just test alone is awesome.
Sorry, newbie here myself, but after reading the stickies from the doctors on this site, the above statement" even just test alone is awesome" is not recommended. Taking test always requires PCT cycle. Then you should be set with the experts recommendations.
I've just started taking a testosterone booster, I'll maybe update after a few months if anyone is interested.
Age 42 yrs, 5'10" 175 lbs. Been insulin dependent diabetic since I was 4 yrs old, always in good health but now feeling lack of energy and tired most of the time (1yr old son helps wear me down).
Natural all my life at 32 yrs I went into powerlifting competition bench 275lb in competion (did 365lb in gym), 420 lb deadlift competion and squat 330 lb competition. Now I'm not even half that, I'll see if the booster helps and I do feel a significant energy buzz for 3 days now after starting it and lifting heavier.
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I did a PH cycle last summer and since then I break out on my thighs.. its only now clearing up. Im actually afraid to see what the next surprise is... lol I may not touch them again
Getting acne means whatever test you put into yourself is converting to estrogen in greater than desired quantities.
Getting acne means whatever test you put into yourself is converting to estrogen in greater than desired quantities.

ooooooooor because you oily face and you workout harder during your workout and don't use a face wash and therefore you end up with pimples.

There is a lot of reasons why people get acne.

PHs (Orbit Nutrition - Prohormones For Extremely Cheap) are much easier to use than AAS (as in pinning) but a lot of people think just because they are pills they are not that serious but they are.