What is best to stack with tren?


New member
Before I continue, I would like to say that this is my first post ever on here. I've gotten on here and researched some topics before. Stats: Age 21, Weight 174, Ht 6'0 ft.

Goals: I'm wanting to put on close to 20 pounds of mass. Doesn't necessarily have to be lean muscle, because of my high metabolic breakdown rate.

Anyways, I'm going into my third cycle... My first was test and deca... My second was Dbol and mast... And now I would like feedback on what I should stack with tren-a? Since it will be my first time with tren, then I think tren-a would be more appropriate just to see how my body reacts, but if you suggest tren-e then I will be glad to listen to your advice.

Lastly, I may be out of place here, but does anyone have any recommendations for labs? Last cycle I spent too much money on underdosed dbol. Maybe BD? Or they maybe old news, not sure. I seriously don't mind about the cost either. I'd rather spend too much on g2g products, then less expensive on potentially underdosed gear.

Thanks a lot and I will take any criticism that I should hear.
Your really young to take AAS, but your not gonna listen.

Keep doing research and hold off on that tren plz. You don't even realize to take test with every cycle yet bro. You got homework to do.
Test prop 150mg eod 8 weeks
Tren ace 80mg ed 6 weeks
Tbol 80mg ed 4 weeks
Aromasin 12.5mg ed 8 week
Hcg 500iu 2xweek 7 weeks
Hcg 1000iu ed last 10days
Keep some cabergoline on hand for prolactin sides from tren
Test prop 150mg eod 8 weeks
Tren ace 80mg ed 6 weeks
Tbol 80mg ed 4 weeks
Aromasin 12.5mg ed 8 week
Hcg 500iu 2xweek 7 weeks
Hcg 1000iu ed last 10days
Keep some cabergoline on hand for prolactin sides from tren

This is a very solid outline. Also, you might want to learn about PCT and how to eat - because you've done 2 cycles and weigh less than I do with an inch on me, which is frankly pathetic. About to take my first ride in a few months, pumped for it, should be easy to gain 15 lbs.
TOO young and not finished development (I don't mean just height) that you might mess up for life. Wait till 25+
NOT tren on first cycle (or for many more)
and test is your first cycle and a base in ALLL cycles.

YOU dont have the knowledge to do this from what you are thinking and asking nor the ages.
Take it slow buddy you will be happy you did.

Lots of good info here to learn. :)
Your really young to take AAS, but your not gonna listen.

Keep doing research and hold off on that tren plz. You don't even realize to take test with every cycle yet bro. You got homework to do.

Oh yeah I know I'm too young. I knew I'd get this comment too, and you're absolutely right that I won't listen but thanks for your concern with me and frankly all the other young people. Honestly, I wouldn't have done any cycles if it weren't for D-1 football. It's just a very competitive thing nowadays.

But yeah I will certainly keep test in mind with the tren cycle as well as all of my cycles in the future. I hear test is a very good building block for most beginning cycles.
Last edited:
Test prop 150mg eod 8 weeks
Tren ace 80mg ed 6 weeks
Tbol 80mg ed 4 weeks
Aromasin 12.5mg ed 8 week
Hcg 500iu 2xweek 7 weeks
Hcg 1000iu ed last 10days
Keep some cabergoline on hand for prolactin sides from tren

Thank you very much. This is one of the main reasons why I got an account. I mean I know I'm too young and would have gotten advice from other guys on here, but at least this lets me know I wasn't far off on what I was thinking.
This is your third cycle?!?!?

please stop now, step back and just research for a year, even if you dont wait till 25....

Honestly I've researched since I was 17 and waited till I was 20 to start my first cycle. I know it's still young, but I think researching close to 4 years now helps a lot. I do have a batch of clomid and anti-estrogen ready for my PCT. Throwing in some milk thistles too wouldn't hurt.

Also, I'm a dietetics major about to graduate so I think I understand what I'm getting into. Not taking anything away from you because I'm sure you know what you are doing from experience.
This is a very solid outline. Also, you might want to learn about PCT and how to eat - because you've done 2 cycles and weigh less than I do with an inch on me, which is frankly pathetic. About to take my first ride in a few months, pumped for it, should be easy to gain 15 lbs.

I mean you can look at it that way, but I weighed 140 before my first cycle and 165 by the end of it. I guarantee my body fat is weigh less than yours too. Mine is 6% I'm saying that because usually it is harder for me to gain weight even if I shove food down my throat 5 times a day.
Bro im same height as you and 50lbs heavier(im very lean too). I have never used tren. You do realize tren is the most powerful steroid available? You can get significant gains without tren, so why use that?? Maybe a simple 12 week test E cycle would do you some good. Throw in some dbol for first 5 weeks and eat hard you will get great gains. With arimidex at 0.25mg eod and pct clomid nolva 2 weeks after last pin
Bro im same height as you and 50lbs heavier(im very lean too). I have never used tren. You do realize tren is the most powerful steroid available? You can get significant gains without tren, so why use that?? Maybe a simple 12 week test E cycle would do you some good. Throw in some dbol for first 5 weeks and eat hard you will get great gains. With arimidex at 0.25mg eod and post cycle therapy (pct) clomid nolva 2 weeks after last pin

Okay just wondering what have you used if you haven't used tren? Or if you've ever cycled.

And I understand tren is probably one of the most potent steroids and that's the reason why I'm giving it a shot. It's just 5 months ago I was really disappointed with my dbol cycle. I worked out from 4-6 days a week and would try and eat 5 meals a day. Most of the time I did because our campus supplies us meal plans. (Usually my daily caloric intake consisted close to 4,000 calories) I won't lie, I would rarely have 4 meals a day. But I really think my gear was underdosed. So this time I'd rather cycle tren to make sure I get the gains that I need.
Stats: Age 21, Weight 174, Ht 6'0 ft.

Anyways, I'm going into my third cycle... My first was test and deca... My second was Dbol and mast...

174lbs at 6ft? after 2 cycles? You're doing it wrong. You need more food not more gear.
It's just 5 months ago I was really disappointed with my dbol cycle. I worked out from 4-6 days a week and would try and eat 5 meals a day. Most of the time I did because our campus supplies us meal plans. (Usually my daily caloric intake consisted close to 4,000 calories) I won't lie, I would rarely have 4 meals a day. But I really think my gear was underdosed. So this time I'd rather cycle tren to make sure I get the gains that I need.

Even if the gear was underdosed or even bunk... If you were really eating 4000 calories a day at that weight you should have put on weight even if it was mostly fat. Put up your diet please of then and your current one/projected one. And your age is low bro...
I mean you can look at it that way, but I weighed 140 before my first cycle and 165 by the end of it. I guarantee my body fat is weigh less than yours too. Mine is 6% I'm saying that because usually it is harder for me to gain weight even if I shove food down my throat 5 times a day.

#1-Show me the D1 football program that has a kid that weighs 140lbs... and I have some ocean-front property in ohio to sell ya....

#2-you aren't 6%... terell owens is 8-10%... most humans can't walk around at 6% much less play a contact game... your organs would be pudding..

<<gets off soap box

#1-Show me the D1 football program that has a kid that weighs 140lbs... and I have some ocean-front property in ohio to sell ya....

#2-you aren't 6%... terell owens is 8-10%... most humans can't walk around at 6% much less play a contact game... your organs would be pudding..

<<gets off soap box


#1 LOL I was a walk on this year when I weighed 170. I weighed 140 before I walked on buddy.

#2 Yeah I am 6% I've been to a local gym multiple times and tested myself. And yes, you can walk around at 6%. It is more of 4% where you can't walk around.

I mean don't accuse my credibility man.
#1-Show me the D1 football program that has a kid that weighs 140lbs... and I have some ocean-front property in ohio to sell ya....

#2-you aren't 6%... terell owens is 8-10%... most humans can't walk around at 6% much less play a contact game... your organs would be pudding..

<<gets off soap box


buddy most pro athletes are around 4-7% bf idk where your getting 10%. TO is maybe now at 10% but before he wasn't. Not trying to put your .02% down but just sayin :). My buddy plays d1 football and is at 6%bf at 200lbs and my other buddy is a D1 wrestler at 189lbs at 5%bf... Depends on your diet and your genetics
He says he doesn't wanna listen .. Wait until he get one of those tren coughs and he ll start listening
Oh yeah I know I'm too young. I knew I'd get this comment too, and you're absolutely right that I won't listen but thanks for your concern with me and frankly all the other young people. Honestly, I wouldn't have done any cycles if it weren't for D-1 football. It's just a very competitive thing nowadays.

But yeah I will certainly keep test in mind with the tren cycle as well as all of my cycles in the future. I hear test is a very good building block for most beginning cycles.

you don't listen. he just told you what the deal is. You have not done research or else you wouldn't have to ask this question... and you wouldn't run a "Dbol/Mast" cycle... wtf is that??

What D1 football are you playing at 174 lbs... you a kicker? what are your goals... 20lb's muscle?? Not going to happen unless you have a CLEAN diet, an unflappable workout program and a solid work ethic. But you could make the gains without AAS if you had all that anyway... you should not touch steroids. out.