What is considered a light tren E cycle??


New member
take into consideration i am on trt and i have only done one other cycle in my life (test cyp at 400mg a week)

would a "light" cycle still come with sides like insomnia and temper?
Start at 300mg tren e for 12 weeks. Sides should be very bearable at that dose. Contrary to popular belief..You dont need alot of tren.
take into consideration i am on trt and i have only done one other cycle in my life (test cyp at 400mg a week)

would a "light" cycle still come with sides like insomnia and temper?

Too soon for tren. You need to build up your experience first buddy. I'd try deca first (or npp if preferred) to get your feet wet with 19-nors. That way you have the ability to deal with issues better if they arise.

Tren is a completely different animal from the rest. It can be completely amazing, or really ruin you. I know guys that have ruined relationships while on it, and seen really chill men become something straight out of the stereotypes.

Perfect your cycling first, then go for a dance with Lady Tren.

My .02c :)
I agree with trying deca first. I think thats the way to approach this. Try deca, a weaker (yet still very potent) 19 nor, see how that goes, and maybe check tren out down the road a bit.
As far as tren 300-400mg/week is a very adequate yet not obscene dose. Also with tren you dont know how you will react sides wise. Everyone is different. Some get numerous brutal sides, some a few very bearable ones. It all depends on the individual.
Best of luck.
Hooray for being a lucky one. Night sweats the first 3-4 weeks, then that subsides. I'm always an asshole, so it keeps me level until I come off. Still have yet to experience the cough but I am extremely careful pinning into my upper quads. I'm sure it's a matter of time.
If you do decide to do it 50 milligrams eod will work fine of tren a. I've done tren off and on over the years and my recent cycle i started at the 50 eod. And got good results. As for sides everyone is different. I got the sweats in the beginning and some pretty intense dreams. And the tren cough i just had it happen to me for the second time and it was way worse this time around. But it only lasted for a couple minutes.